Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Murphy don't feel so good

This is Bugsadoodle filling in for Murphy. This here puppy is worried about his big bubba ya'll. Murphy don't feel so good, hims has even thrown up a couple times today. Mommy thinks hims might have a cold or maybe tha flu and hers is very concerned. Mommy tooked tha day off and it's a good thing cause hers was able to keep an eye on him. Murphy has moped around and laid around all tha live long day. Hims didn't eat no breakfast or dinner either. The only thing that got my bubba excited was going for a car ride with all of us to get dinner, then hims was hanging hims head out tha winda with hims ears flapping in tha breeze. Now poor Murphy is snuggled up to Mommy sleeping now. Hers won't even let me play with Murphy either so that means me has to lay around and sleep too.......boring!!!

Bugs, who wants his big bubba back to play with

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Deer Bugs, pwese tewl dat big brudder ob yurs to feel bedder weal soon, we dun't wike to heer dat our buddies aren't fewling gud.

Mommmie says she will say a widdle pwayer dat the Murhphster is ok and is back to himself soon, too.
