2nd, Guess what came in tha mail for me?? A birfday card and it was addressed to me and eberything. Mommy scanned it to her computer so me could show all me friends. Isn't a beautiful card??? Of course that isn't a picture of me but it's still a very beautiful card. Humm the dog on tha card looks suspiciously like one of them little corgis that lives two doors down from us. Me wonders if hims works at the pet insurance place.
It's not me birfday yet. Me has to wait until Thursday to get presents, cheeseburgers and custard from McDonalds. Mommy says to be fair hers will get Bugs some cheeseburgers and custard from McDonalds too. Me will be 2 years old and not a puppy anymore. Mommy says me will be a grown up fellow even though me will probably always act like a puppy. Me is just wiggling all over with anticipation. Wonder what me will get for me birfday.
Murphy who is feeling very much better
1 comment:
Happy woofday to you, happy woof day to you, happy woofday deer Murhpy, happy woofday to you!!
Gwad you is fewling bedder and will be able to enjoy yur woofday goodies.
Maybe my mommie will letz me hab someting speshul to hep selebwate wit yu!!
Your fwiend,
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