Thursday, March 08, 2007


Bugs is going to live!! Me was so worried that something really bad was going to happen to me little buggy. But tha good news is, hims is on tha mend. Our vet is wonderful and has made him all better. Hims neck is not all swollen any more, it's only scabby cause it's healing.

Tha bad thing is we can't play together for another week cause thems wants hims neck to heal completely. This means that one of us has to be in our crate all of tha times, but Mommy and Daddy cheated a little tonight. Thems let us go outside and play together a little bit tonight. Thems just made sure that me didn't go lick Bugs' neck. Me sure has missed playing with Bugs!!! Another week is going to be to long. Tha good thing is, Mommy and Daddy is taking me for lots and lots of car rides to make up for me not being able to play with Bugs.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

We iz so happee to wead dat de Bugsy is duing bedder. Sun yu and de Bugs will be able to pway and womp and take dem nise wawks egin.

Give yur brudder a healing cairn kiss fwom his fewwo wescue pal.
