Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Look Alike Contest

Oh my, this is even worse than tha Mardi Paws Parade. Aunt Jeanne entered her and the Spikester in a look alike contest!!!!! Now hims really looks like a curmudgeon. Me just don't understand humans sometimes. Why do our humans do these things to us? Don't we always provide love and devotion to our humans? Spike looks really put out if you asked me, but them me supposes nobody did. This poor little dog don't look nothing likes hims Mommy.

Mommy thinks these pictures is cute and says hers is going to see if they have something like this here in Denver so hers and Daddy can enter us in contests. Grrrrrr thems better not cause me and Bugs don't want to be in no contest. Besides what catagory would you enter us in? Mommy does say that Bugs and Daddy looks alike but me and hers don't? Maybe tha warrior catagory cause Daddy says Mommy is a "warrior woman" and me could be her trusty warrior dog companion.

Murphy and Bugs, who don't want to be in no contest.

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