Monday, December 31, 2007

Visit to tha Vet

Mommy had to take me to the vet on Friday cause me had another spot on me forehead that was turning into something nasty. When me was just a little fellow of 4 months, me had a spot come up on me forehead just like this one and by the time Mommy realized it was a problem the spot had developed into an oozing sore. This time Mommy, cause hers is a really good Mommy, recognized what it was and got me to tha vet right away.

The last time me was at the vet me was not such a good boy and had scared the new lady vet. It wasn't really me fault cause hers backed me into the corner to try and look in me mouth. Me didn't really care for that and grumbled at her to let her know. Me guesses that when big boys like me grumble at peoples it scares them cause that lady vet sure did jump back and Mommy fussed at me. This time was different.

This time it was tha same lady vet, her didn't remember the incident thank goodness, and Mommy told her me was very excited and anxious and that when me gets like that, particularly in tight spaces, me can get a bit grumpy and nippy. The lady vet was glad Mommy told her this and told Mommy that us bigger dogs can get like that in tight spaces. Since this seemed like the right thing to do, the lady vet tooked me into tha back where there was lots of room for me to move around in and that's where hers looked at me head. Me was such a good boy too! Hers looked at me head, into me mouth at me teeth, listened to me heart and lungs, looked in me ears, checked me eyes and me was the perfect gentleman tha whole time. Of course it helped that hers was bribing me with treats.

Hers brought me back and said Mommy was right it was the same as when me was a puppy and gave Mommy some pills for me to take for tha next two weeks and if thems worked her would give Mommy another weeks worth for me to take. GUESS WHAT!!! THEMS WORKED!!! On Saturday morning Mommy noticed the spot on me forehead wasn't as red looking, by yesterday morning it was just pink and this morning it's back to normal flesh colored. Yippee!!!!! Me is way to handsome a fellow to have scars lefted on me forehead from sores. Mommy says me has to finish me pills but that's okay cause hers puts them in pieces of hot dog (hers thinks hers hiding them from me) and pops them in me mouth. Bugs likes it too cause when Mommy throws me a piece of hot dog she also throws one to him too.

That's my last story for 2007. Stay tuned for more misadventures of me and Bugs E Doodle Esq.

Happy New Years!!!

Murphy and Bugs

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


We is having a white Christmas. There was only supposed to be snow flurries and we has about 4 inches on the ground and more falling. Me and Bugs has been outside playing in it.

Santa broughted us another wicker dog bed so now we both has one and this is a really good thing. Me got tired of having to think up new ways to trick Bugs and get hims out of tha dog bed. Life is good!

When Mommy takes pictures of tha snow we'll post them.

Merry Christmas Ebrebody

From Murph and Bugs

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The house is changing!!

This has been tha most amazing week in tha lives of me and Bugs. Last weekend Mommy and Daddy had all of tha furnitures moved out of tha living room and dining room. Me and Bugs thought this was just tha greatest thing in tha world. It looked like Mommy and Daddy had finally decided we needed a big indoor play area cause we had all of tha room in tha world to play in them two rooms and boy did we play.

Then on Monday this strange man came to that house and hims was going to take out tha carpet and put in new floors. Daddy had us in our gated community rooms so we wouldn't bother tha man and hims also had tha man pet us so hims would see we wasn't nothing to be scare of and then Daddy lefted to go to work. Everything was fine until this strange man started making this funny thwacking noise and me didn't like it one little bit. Me disliked it so much me was jumping up on tha gate and barking at tha man. Of course hims got scared and called Daddy away from earning tha dog food to come home. Daddy called Mommy and told her hims was going to lock us outside in tha back yard. Mommy was concerned that we would be unhappy and try to get out of tha back yard so hers came home to be with us.

By tha end of tha day we had a whole new floor to play on. This was tha bestest floor cause me and Bugs could slide all over tha place. We really liked this new floor and thought it was going to stay like this without no furniture to clutter up our new play ground but nope it didn't stay that way.

First thing Mommy did was put up tha Christmas tree, cause it's almost Christmas and Santa needs a place to leave me and Bugs' presents. Then our peoples filled it up with furnitures again. Of course after we thougt about it we realized we needed our furniture back so we would have a place to sleep after we was through playing. Mommy says hers is glad she and Daddy could afford to buy us furniture to sleep on and a new floor to play on. We has to admit it does look much better although that new floor sure is hard on us puppies if we tries to lay on it.


Saturday, December 01, 2007

We didn't get no kitty

Mommy said it just wasn't meant to be. The little kitty we was going to call KaliLu didn't come to live with us. We isn't sure why, all we know is tha girl who was supposed to be bringing her didn't call Mommy or nothing. So no kitty for us.

Personally me is happy cause that would mean one more critter for me to have to share Mommy with. Don't get me wrong, me loves that ole Bugs a bunch, cept when hims is trying to steal my bone or hog all tha pets. Having a new baby kitty would mean Mommy was occupied with it and teaching it how to be a good house cat first class and that would mean less attention and pets for me.
