Sunday, December 09, 2007

The house is changing!!

This has been tha most amazing week in tha lives of me and Bugs. Last weekend Mommy and Daddy had all of tha furnitures moved out of tha living room and dining room. Me and Bugs thought this was just tha greatest thing in tha world. It looked like Mommy and Daddy had finally decided we needed a big indoor play area cause we had all of tha room in tha world to play in them two rooms and boy did we play.

Then on Monday this strange man came to that house and hims was going to take out tha carpet and put in new floors. Daddy had us in our gated community rooms so we wouldn't bother tha man and hims also had tha man pet us so hims would see we wasn't nothing to be scare of and then Daddy lefted to go to work. Everything was fine until this strange man started making this funny thwacking noise and me didn't like it one little bit. Me disliked it so much me was jumping up on tha gate and barking at tha man. Of course hims got scared and called Daddy away from earning tha dog food to come home. Daddy called Mommy and told her hims was going to lock us outside in tha back yard. Mommy was concerned that we would be unhappy and try to get out of tha back yard so hers came home to be with us.

By tha end of tha day we had a whole new floor to play on. This was tha bestest floor cause me and Bugs could slide all over tha place. We really liked this new floor and thought it was going to stay like this without no furniture to clutter up our new play ground but nope it didn't stay that way.

First thing Mommy did was put up tha Christmas tree, cause it's almost Christmas and Santa needs a place to leave me and Bugs' presents. Then our peoples filled it up with furnitures again. Of course after we thougt about it we realized we needed our furniture back so we would have a place to sleep after we was through playing. Mommy says hers is glad she and Daddy could afford to buy us furniture to sleep on and a new floor to play on. We has to admit it does look much better although that new floor sure is hard on us puppies if we tries to lay on it.


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