Sunday, March 01, 2009

Deck o Cards

We had a lovely dinner party last night with Auntie Margaret, Hank and Auntie Margaret's friend John. It waz lovely cauze me and the boyz gotz to lay in tha living room with tha peoplez and be social. Then being the good boyz all three of uz iz, we laid on tha rug in tha living room while the peoplez had dinner.

After dinner the peoplez decided to play cardz. Thatz when thiz little boxer pup realize himz didn't like the sound of cardz being shuffled. Mostly it waz cauze me had never heard a deck of cardz being shuffled before and it upsetted me. Tha ole silly Auntie waz shuffling cardz and me sat up looking really interested in the whol operation. Hers couldn't leave well enough alone, nope not Auntie, herz had to push tha envelope and shuffle them thingz in me boxer face. You know what comez next right? Me tried to grab them cardz from her handz with me toothz. Me didn't get them and Mommy made me come on the other side of her chair away from Auntie.

Then is waz Mommy'z turn to shuffle them cardz. Herz didn't shuffle them in me face but the offending sound made me go after them cardz in Mommy'z hand. NOT A GOOD THING TO DO!!!! Me little tooth scrapped Mommy's finger az me tried to grab them cardz from her hand. Boy waz her mad at me!!! She made me lay down beside her and herz fussed at me for being a silly dog. Then John waz going to shuffle cardz cauze it waz himz turn and me waz starting to show interest again at going for tha cardz. (notice Mommy pays attention to me signals) Soooo, because Auntie don't know when to leave me along and not antagonize me, me and tha boyz got sent to ta den and had tha gate put up to keep uz there.

Me sure wishez Auntie would learn that me iz not Hank, who is a very easy going Lab, and learn me iz a very reactive type dog who don't like to be teazed. Ebery time she cauze me to be bad her excuze is me can do that with Hank, or herz hazn't learned to read my body language or signz. What iz her blind???

The Murphday boy

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Sowwy dat yur antie contwibuted to your getting to dat twouble! Duzn't seem kwite fare, duz it?

Cassie and Hunter