Monday, March 23, 2009

pocket water bowls

It waz such a beautiful weekend that our peoplez took us for walkz both dayz! This waz a really good thing except me thought me waz going to drop from exhauztion on Saturday. See we hadn't done much walking ober tha winter and so me waz really out of shape. Daddy took us for a longer walk than usual and wore me little boxer butt out. Me waz so tired that instead of sitting at the curb before crossing me laid down. To say me little butt waz draggin iz putting it mildly. Mommy cautioned Daddy to take it slow and let me build up me stamina, what ever that iz, cauze me can't tell him when me haz had enough.

Sunday Daddy tooked Bugz for a nice long walk and me and Mommy went for a nice little walk that waz good for juzt us two. We waz gone only about a half hour and we waz both tired, not az tired az Saturday but a nice pleasant tired. Bugz on tha other hand waz plumb tuckered out when himz got back from himz walk with Daddy. Themz had been gone a couple hourz and himz waz a really thirsty pup. Daddy tried to offer himz water from tha water bottle but Bugz wouldn't drink.

This little problem needed a solution, the kind only our peoplez could solve. Themz went to tha pet store and found little foldup and put in your pocket, canvaz water bowlz for us. Mine iz a really cute striped one and Bugz is red. Mommy and Daddy put water in them to show us what them iz for. I drank out of both them little bowlz but Bugz being the OC dog himz iz didn't take but a little sip out of himz bowl. Me iz so glad we have smart people az our human parentz!!!

OH yeah, we got a new toy too. One of them thingz that throwz tha little tennis ball really far and we going running like crazy after tha ball to bring it back. We iz going to go to tha ball field now and play fetch.


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