Saturday, March 28, 2009

Me IS a hunting dog!

Boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! Me did it today!!!! Me caught a squirrel today. Yep, me Murphy tha boxer pup caught meself a squirrel in me own back yard. It was sort of already dying but me got it!!!! See this iz what happened.

Me waz just hangin out in me back yard w/all tha snow and all of a sudden me spotted it. A grey fuzzy thing waz laying on tha ground sort of flopping around. Being tha naturally curiouz boxer me iz, of course me trotted right ober there to see what it was. Me can't tell you how surprised me waz to see that squirrel. Thiz iz tha same ole squirrel that would race up and down tha fence tormenting me and Bugz, and here it waz on tha ground at me mercy. Me thought about it for a boxer second and decided me would teach that ole squirrel a lesson about teazing me and Bugz. Me snatched it up and then dropped it cauze about that time Mommy and spotted all ob tha activity in tha back yard.

Mommy came running outside barefoot in tha snow calling me. Well me waz too caught up in tha excitment ob teaching tha squirrel a lesson to pay attention to her and tha commandz herz was giving me. Her said "MURPHY, Leave it" and me couldn't. Then "MURPHY, drop it" and me did but me picked it right back up again. Then herz tried "MURPY lets go for a ride". Well thiz iz a sure fire way to get me to come to her so me dropped tha squirrel and started towardz her but then me wanted to take the squirrel for a ride too. So Mommy tried "DROP IT" and "MURPHY, letz go for a walk". And me dropped tha squirrel and started for her again but again, me wanted to take the squirrel with me.

Then, Bugz and Daddy heard all tha commotion and wanted to come out to see what waz happening. Mommy saw Bugz and told Daddy to crate him so himz wouldn't try to take the squirrel from me and start a fight. In tha mean time herz knew herz had to do something to break me fixation on tha squirrel. Herz, being the smart human herz iz, grabbed the pooper scooper thingy and banged it against tha grill. Tha noize waz so loud it made me look up and jump. Herz did it again and called me "MURPY, COME" and me obeyed and trotted right in tha house and Daddy put me im me crate.

It waz a trick so themz could take that ole squirrel ,who waz now completely dead, and throw it away. That wazn't berry fair me doezn't think. It waz me squirrel and themz took it and threw it away, all becauze themz was afraid I would eat it or bring it in tha houze. Mommy sayz cauze it waz already almost dead, herz waz afraid it might have been poizoned or sick and herz didn't want that to happen to me. Okay so maybe herz waz right but me iz still offically a hunting dog now cauze me caught it eben if it waz already almost deat.

And thatz my story.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Hey der Murfee....youz hazn't posted in a wile now.....miss ya....hope eberyting is ok wif yu and Bugz and de hoomanz.

Cassie-role and Hunter