Monday, July 20, 2009

A buzy summer

My goodness but me hadn't realize how long it haz been since I convinced Mommy to write about me misadventures.Me and Bugz has been camping twice this summer and iz getting ready for our 3rd camping trip.

The first camping trip waz pretty uneventful. We went to Boyd Lake State Park. The name should say it all. We waz tied up the whole time cauze it waz a state park. Thiz iz not camping if you ask me. Auntie Margaret, Uncle John and Hank went too. Beside being tied up we waz rained on tha whole weekend. We did get to go for a nice long walk on Sunday but it didn't make up for tha rest of tha time being tied up. Not a good camping weekend at all.

We went camping at our favorite place the weekend before thiz pazt one. Now that waz camping!!! We waz real camping dogz, no leashes or being tied up. In fact we had tha bestest adventure with Daddy on tha first evening there. Daddy took me and Bugz for a walk in tha woodz and himz got himz self losted. Yep, himz was losted in tha woods. Me and Bugz wazn't losted, we knew where we waz. We waz in tha woodz with Daddy. Daddy waz a little scared but then himz heard tha creek and himz was smart and followed tha creek back to our campsite. Now here iz tha thing, if himz had asked uz to take himz home we would have, but himz never asked. See me told you we waz never lost. We just thought Daddy waz taking a really long walk.

Then on Saturday morning me and Bugz suddenly became "HUNTING DOGZ". Yep you read it right. Me and Bugz was having morning coffee with our folkz, themz was having coffee and we waz laying there with them. All of a sudden out of no where comez this great big, huge mule deer. Well me and Bugz couldn't stand it and off we goez after that deer. Mommy and Daddy waz not happy at all. We chazed that deer for what seemed like milez and we both thought we waz going to catch it too. We didn't know how fazt them deerz waz. Our peoplez was worried when we took off after tha deer. Themz thought we would not be able to find our way back and would get losted in tha woods. DUH, we iz dogs.....we know how to follow our nozez home. Silly people.

Now we iz planning for our 4 day camping trip in tha mountainz and then 5 dayz at tha doggie B&B. Now me knowz our peoplez is trying to do right by me and Bugz but tha truth iz we really don't want to go to the doggie B&B we wantz to spend tha whole time camping. We would be good, really we would.


Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Hi Murphy! I'm glad you like reading my blog. I am following yours now. Your camping trips sound exciting, except fur the getting tied up part. Those deer is fast, I've seen them run at my friends house! Have fun on your next camping trip.


Maxmom said...

Hey there Murphy
...and thank you for visiting my blog!
Yes, of course we can be friends. You guys sound awesome and get up to the things that I would LOOOOVE to! camping and being free to roam. (Not so easy in this city!)
Murphy - I had a boxer friend some years ago who went to he rainbow bridge. You sound just like him, but he was a real BAD influence and got me into lots of trouble with all the hunting. ButI miss him and will most certainly hang around with you and Bugz.
(Tell Mom that we love her style...she's soooo funny!)
Tons of love and licks
Maxdog in South AFrica

Cassie said...

Murphee n Bugz...we'z so gwad to see yur post...we'b sure been missing de two ob yu! Sowndz wike yall are habbing a wooferful summer....we'd wub to go camping, but it's so hot here in SE TX....mommie and daddie don't wunt to sweep outside wight now. Maybe in de fall!

Sownds wike a gwate adbenture chasing dat deer...and we're happee yu fownd yur way back.

Cassie and Hunter