Monday, July 27, 2009

We Is Going To Camping Dogz

That'z what Mommy and Daddy keep saying. We iz going to be camping dogz starting Saturday for 4 dayz. This iz tha good newz. Tha bad newz is that after them 4 dayz me and Bugz will be sent to tha Doggy Bed and Breakfast for 5 dayz. Ebery year at thiz time we all goez camping in that mountainz with our friendz and ebery year me and Bugz getz packed off to the Doggy B&B for 5 dayz. We izn't sure why either. Mommy sayz that itz because on day 5 there iz no dogz allowed for tha spiritual retreat themz iz on. Now we izn't sure what a "spiritual retreat" iz but we iz pretty darn sure we would enjoy it. There iz nothing more spiritual than a dog!

Anyway, tha whole household iz upside down cauze Mommy iz making listz, putting thingz in pilez, packing suitcasez and loading stuff in tha RV including our toyz and food. Her sayz that when you iz going to be camping in tha mountainz for a week you needz everything including a kitchen sink.


Maxmom said...

Hey there, Murphy
Sounds like you guys are going to have a fun time on the camping weekend. Maybe the B&B is not so they give you treats in bed?
Enjoy it all mate!
Lots of licks
Maxdog in South Africa

Murphy said...

Well me guezz itz better than being in a kennel where you iz locked in a cage all day. We do have our berry own bedroom with a sofa, chair and TV but it would be so much better if our peoplez was there too.