Friday, July 15, 2005

July 15. 2005 Me's a sad puppy

Me is a sad, sad little boxer puppy. Me little girl O'livia (well hers not so little but me likes to think her is) is going back home to her mommy and brothers today. Me is really going to miss hers sooooooo much!!! AWOOOOOOH, AWOOOOOH. (Hers says she misses her mommy and is ready to go home. )Hers would get up in the mornings and let me out of my crate after Mommy and Daddy had gone to work. Me would sit in the chair with hers while hers played on that computer thingy. It was so nice having somebody here with me during the day. Me sure hopes hers comes back to visit me again. Mommy says she will, after all mommy is O'livia's grandmother. Now me is not sure what a grandmother is, but it must be a nice thing cause O'livia and mommy have a good time together. Mommy says me will be all grown up the next time me sees O'livia and me might not remember hers. WOOF how could me not remember me first little girl? (big soulful boxer puppy sigh) Me hopes she comes back really soon.Murphy

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