Thursday, September 08, 2005

September 8, 2005 Kitties and stuffed toys are not the same thing

Well me just learned a new boxer lesson. It was a very important boxer lesson too. Me learned that just because there is a kittie sitting in the toy basket it doesn't mean it is a play toy. See here is what happened. This is for real and me means it too. Boxer honor. Mommy tries to keeps all me toys in a basket so hers and daddy don't fall over them and it makes her happy too. So when me needs to get a new toy to play with it me has to go get one out of the toy basket. Usually as fast as mommy puts them in the basket me pulls them out again. Me, is after all, is good helper and it is me duty to pull them out again and spread them around the house again so hers can pick them all up again. Any thing to make me mommy happy.

Well tonight me went to get a toy and found a wonderful new one sitting in the basket. It was a Miss Pitty Pat looking stuffed toy. (Miss Pitty Pat is me best kitty friend) Oh boy, now me can really play rough with a kitty. Me already has a leopard kitty (thats hers in the basket without no face) and it was so much fun chewing the eyes off and pulling the stuffing out it's nose. Well right away me started making plans to do the same to this Miss Pitty Pat stuffed Kitty. Me was going to have so much fun playing this new toy. Me could hardly wait.

Me just rushed up and tried to grab that toy right out of the basket to start chewing on it. This stuffed kitty was really real looking and sounding. It made a kitty noise like "meeoooooooooowwwww" and Marrraaooooooow" like a real kitty. It was going to be fun playing with this kitty toy. It even smelled like a real kitty and it swatted and me little boxer nose like a real kitty. When me tried to get me toofers on it, the kitty toy ran away to the kitchen. OH BOY ARWWOOOH, WOOF WOOF it moves like a real kitty too. So me took off after the new kitty toy and chased it all around the living room.

Me finally catched in her in the kitchen. Me had the new kitty toy on the ground, laying on it and licking it and holding it down and laying on it when Mommy came into the kitchen to see what the ruckus was all about. Her was not a happy Mommy!!!! Her said "NO Murphy, let Miss Pitty Pat up." Me little head jerked up. Miss Pitty Pat????? Me was laying on Miss Pitty Pat and trying to chew off her eyes. OH NO me is in big trouble now. Me jumped up and started licking Miss Pitty Pat. Me was trying to make it up to her. Mommy started to laugh at me cause me was trying so hard to not look like me was going to pull the stuffing out Miss Pitty Pat's nose. Me even offered to share me dinner with her. Hers just turned up her little terra cotta nose at it. Me doesn't think her is very happy with me.

As anyone could see, Miss Pitty Pat is A Okay, thank goodness. It was a close call. Me would hate to hurt me only bestest, truest kitty friend. Lil and Smoke don't like me at all and it wouldn't be a very good thing to eat the eyes off of Miss Pitty Pat or pull the stuffing out of her nose. Then me would not have a bestest kitty friend anymore. From now on if me sees a toy in me toy basket that looks like Miss Pitty or even Lil or Smoke, me is going tosniff it really good and make sure it's not alive before trying to eat it's eyes off.



Anonymous said...


I know how it with those darn ole kitties. They have a habit of making themselves look like a stuffed toy to get you into trouble.

bay said...

Murphy, dis is Baywee. I fink dat if keekats are going to get into your toybox den day are fair game!! If dey don't want to be chewed up den they should find another hideout.

I fink dat Miss Pitty Pat was testing you out to get you into trouble!! Here's da fing. You are just a widdle puppy so you don't know dis yet, but when the calendar starts getting closer to da end ob da year den you hab to really be a good boy!! Dis man named Santa Claus visits our houses at da end ob December and if your name is on dis fing called "da bad boy list" den all you will get is coal to chew on!! I know dat you don't want dat, so don't wet da keecats trick you!! Dey already know about Santa!!

Trust me on dis!! I'm already working on being a good girl!! I'm working on my wist of stuff dat I might want from Santa!!

Keecats are tricky!! You don't want to find out in Dec dat you're a bad boy cause den day will just waff at you!! Don't be twicked!!

From your pal,
