Monday, January 02, 2006

A good start to a new year

Me is off to a good start for this new year. Today when Mommy took me to the explorer, opened up the back hatch and said "Murphy you know where you need to go" Me hopped right into the crate in the back like a very good boy. Mommy was very happy (and me likes to make mommy happy) and said me was the smartest boy in tha whole world. Me still doesn't like riding in that ole crate in the back of the explorer but if it means me gets to go with Mommy on rides more often then me guesses it will just have to be.

We wented to tha Dog Park so me could play. There was a man there with a dog and hims didn't want me to play with hims dog. Hims called his dog to him everytime me wanted to play with it. Mommy and Daddy said that ole man was a snob and didn't want to associate with the working class. Then some peoples came with a very handsome Eskimo Spitz and we played for a long time. It was great fun. Mommy says that in a couple weeks hers is going to take me to Boxer Play Day so me can play with other boxers and American Bulldogs like me.

All in all it's been a pretty good start to the new year. Me sure hopes it stays this way!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey was just rolling thru wanted to let ya know ya got a cool blog here Nice Job.