Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Years!!!

Happy New Years Everybody!

Me got to go to me very firstest New Year's Eve Party with Mommy and Daddy last night. The party was in tha mountains at our friends Rick and Donna. Everybody was there including their dogs Molly and Jenny. This is a special kind of party where everybody eats yummy food, drinks lots of good drinks and waits for midnight to come on tha clock.

Me did get into a bit of trouble but it wasn't my fault. Rick said it was cause me didn't know the boundaries of thems house that me got into trouble. See this is what happened. Me went into the house and greeted everybody including the other dogs then me decided it would be a good thing to go through the house and mark spots so that if other dogs came into the house thems would know that Murphy had been there. WELL this was not good manners for a puppy who is a guest in someone else's house. Me got fussed at for trying to mark the corner of the fireplace. Me didn't know that me couldn't do that. Me could smell that other dogs had been there and me thought leaving me calling card was just polite. NOPE, this is a really big NO NO when visiting. Mommy had to go wipe up the floor where me calling card had runned down the side of the hearth. Okay so me can't leave calling cards inside the house when me goes visiting but me can do it outside the house. Got it.

Then we all wented down stairs to look a something and me was sniffing around and found a spot where another dog had used the bathroom and yep, you guessed it. Me decided to use the same spot. Rick caught me doing that after it was too late and once again Mommy had to clean up after me only this was messier. Hers wasn't happy with me at all. Mommy was very sorry and said me hadn't had an accident in the house in months but as Rick pointed out, it wasn't me house and me didn't know tha rules. Okay so me can't poop inside someone else's house even if it's the same place another dog may have pooped along time ago. Got it.

Then me was being very a good party animal (at least me thought so) and was trying to get them other dogs to play with me. Jenny was really old and hers didn't want to play cause hers was limping and me could accept that. Molly is a young dog and hers has a really nasty attitude when it comes to being polite to her guests. Hers kept nipping me on tha nose when me tried to play with her. Mommy went and gotted me leash and put me on it to keep me out of trouble. Thems had brought tha crate too so when it was time for them to eat the yummy New Year's Eve dinner, Mommy took me upstairs and put me in the crate while thems ate. Okay so me can't be a nusicance during dinner when visiting other peoples. Got it.

After dinner we watched TV and mommy fed me some really yummy treats called Hors de Ouvers that was left over from earlier. This was really good cause me understood how to do this. The best part though was when everybody went back downstairs to watch the peoples play a game called Ping Pong. Now this is a very strange game. See tha peoples have these really little balls and thems hits it back and forth on a table. Me thought that when it bounced off the table that me was suppose to get tha ball and play keep away. Seemed like a good idea to me. NOPE, wrong again. Boxer puppies can't play Ping Pong its only for humans.

At midnight it was a New Year and everybody had champagne and was tooting on noise makers and this was big fun and guess what. Me didn't get into trouble at all during this time. Everybody is suppose to get rowdy when the New Year arrives so me was a very good puppy for that. Me even got to have a sip of champagne to celebrate. It tickled me nose cause it had bubbles. We spended the night cause it was very late and came home today. Thank goodness, cause me knows what me is supposed to do here.

Murphy, who is 10 months old today.

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