Thursday, February 23, 2006

Aggressive Chewer or me needs some sturdy toys

Mommy is looking to find me some sturdier toys. Every time hers buys me a toy it only last for 1 day at the mostest. Her's bought me a nice new ball made out of tennis ball materials as a coming home from the hospital present. Hers thought for sure that this new toy would last a really long time. NOT!! That new ball was chewed up in no time at all. Me only had it for about an hour when mommy saw me had chewed a big ole hole in it. The only thing me hasn't been able to chew up is me Kong Toys and the really hard rubber bones that Daddy boughted for me.

Mommy says me is an aggressive chewer and me needs toys made special for them kinds of dogs. Her says it's cause of the American Bulldog half of me. Her's even got on the internet and looked for toys for Pitbulls cause them kinds of dogs are REALLY aggressive chewers. Me thinks hers may have solved the problem of toys for me. Hers found a site with toys just for Pitbulls that hers thinks will work for me too. Thems even has squeaky toys for aggressive chewers made out of recycled fire hose. Maybe me will get some of them toys for me birthday next week.
Just in case this doesn't pan out, if anybody knows where Mommy can get me some really sturdy toys please let her know.

One thing for sure, being and aggressive chewer paid off today. Me was able to get that goofy ole medical collar off of me neck and me chewed it right up. Now me doesn't have to wear that collar no more and me feels much better for it.

Murphy who is free from that goofy medical collar

1 comment:

bay said...

Murph - we're glad you took that dumb collar off! That was just an insult!!

Here is a good toy to look at. We love Jolly Balls!!

They are fun and they last a long time!!

Your pals,
Baywee and Frogknot