Sunday, February 26, 2006


Mommy wented to tha store yesterday and looked for another ball for me. Me eated a hole in me big tennis ball after about an hour of playing with it. So mommy, being a really good mommy, wented to Wal-Mart and bought a basket ball for me to play with. (Me thinks her is still trying to make up for having me fixed when me wasn't broken.)

Notice how nice and round this wonderful basket ball is.

Me played and played and played with this new toy. Me chased it all over the back yard trying to get it into me mouth. Daddy was concerned that me wasn't going to be able to pick it up in me little boxer mouth. Me didn't want to disapppoint me Daddy so me worked and worked to get the basket ball in my little mouth. Me is proud to say that with much persistance me succeed in getting the ball in me mouth and it is no longer round.

Murphy 1, basketball 0 at the end of the game.

Me friend Baywee's mommy sented me mommy a link to get a jolly ball for me to play with. Hers is going to look into it. Me wouldn't mind having one of them toys made out of old fire hose and see how quickly me could chew that up.

Murphy (only 3 more days to me birthday)

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