Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mind hims own business

Me was worrying Mommy this morning cause me was whining and hers was getting a tiny bit upset with me. So Daddy decided it might be a good idea to take me for a walk, which was what me was whining about to begin with. Sometimes Mommy can be a little slow when it comes to figuring out what it is me wants. Anyway, Daddy tooked me for a walk and hims was doing leash corrections just like trainer Dave and the man with a dog name, Duke said to do cause me is a "hard case". Me knows how to walks on a leash, me just gets excited and forgets everything me knows and needs corrections sometimes. Well this is what happened while we was walking and this strange man gave Daddy what for. Hims thought Daddy was being mean to me. Grrrrr.....that man doesn't know me Daddy. Hims wouldn't be mean to me, hims loves his little boxer puppy. Just cause me was misbehaving and him corrected me doesn't mean hims was being mean. That man needs to mind hims own business. If hims hadn't said that me was a handsome dog me might have growled at him.

Mommy says that dogs can be like children and need to know thems boundaries and what is expected of thems. And when you have a puppy like me, who wants to be in charge, sometimes you have to use tough love to let them know who is in charge. Hers says that a well behaved, well mannered dog is going to welcomed and loved by everybody. Me wants to be a well mannered, well behaved dog when me grows up so everybody will love me. Not that thems don't love me already but there is always them new people me is going to meet.


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