Sunday, March 26, 2006

In the Kennel

This is your friend Murphy, the little boxer puppy, writing from Bouton's Animal Hospital and Kennel. Me has been abandoned here while my Mommy and Daddy are off having fun with them friends in Estes Park.

Mommy tooked me to the Kennel on Friday. Her's didn't even warn me either just said "Murphy do you want to go for a ride?" and loaded me up in the car and drove me to the Vet's Office where her abandoned me!!!! Me thought me was going for just a friendly visit, stand on the scale and see how much me weighs and say hello to everybody there. Nope this is not what happened. The nice technician Lady had Mommy fill out the paperwork and put her leash on me and that's when me realized that something was wrong. The lady was trying to lead me into the back and Mommy was going out the front door and leaving me.

"MOMMY WAIT!!!!" "The lasted time you lefted me here I was missing parts when you came to pick me up. " Me barked at her and gave her me very bestest sad boxer puppy look. " PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" me was whimpering, "me is scared of what will be missing when you comes to get me" Nothing worked at all. The technician Lady told Mommy she would have to leave before me would go with her and sure enough that's what her did. Hers' LEFT ME !!!
What kind of Mommy leaves her little baby when hims is whimpering and barking for her to take him with her??

Mommy is supposed to come get me tomorrow. Me sure hopes her doesn't forget me. But what me really hopes is me goes home with all the parts me went there with this time.

Murphy, who is writing this from behind bars.

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