Saturday, April 08, 2006

Mommy played a trick on me

Last night my silly Mommy played a trick on me. Hers and Daddy had gone out and lefted me in charge of guarding the house. When thems does this, me usually sits on me ottoman in front of the picture window and looks at everything that goes on outside. This way me can see if a burglar in a Daddy or Mommy suit is trying to break in. This works really well too cause there hasn't been no burglar in a Daddy or Mommy suit break in the house. Well, me heard one of them silly ole kitties thumping down the stairs and me decided to take a teeny tiny break from me post watching out the window and what do you suppose happened??

There was a knocking on the picture window glass and there was a face looking in the window. Me stopped investigating the kitty and looked at the window and there just as big as life was a burglar in a Mommy suit!!!!! Well this was a first and me wasn't sure what to do. Should me bark really loudly like a guard dog?? Should me go hide and hope that burglar in a Mommy suit went away??? Me was scared and confused. This had never ever happened before and me didn't know what to do. There wasn't nothing about it in the Boxer Union Book in the Guard Dog Chapter.

The knocking on the window kept up and then.............the front door opened. Me is embarrassed to admit it, but me crouched down and tried to hide. Then me heard that silly Mommy laughing and saw it wasn't a burglar in a Mommy suit at all just Mommy playing a trick on me. Hers thought hers was really funny tricking me like that. Me didn't think it was very funny at all. How would her like it if a burglar in a boxer suit tried to break in and it was just me playing a trick on her??? Me bets her wouldn't like it one little bit either.



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