Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Walking after dark

Mommy was late taking me out for a walk tonight cause it looked stormy and was raining a little bit. Me wouldn't have minded going but me thinks Mommy might have been afraid hers would melt in the rain. So to make up for it Mommy took me for a walk after hers watched tonights American Idol.

There is a big difference in walking in the afternoon when there is sunlight and going for a walk after dark. Did you know there was lots of things lurking out there in the dark?? We was walking, walking, walking and there was this big shadow following us. This shadow was of a big mean fierce dog and hims was following us. And there was all of these dogs outside barking at me too. And the smells are different and the sounds are different and me couldn't see as well and it was just plain scary. Mommy thinks this is another good training tool. Grrr, hers and hers training tools. Me has had almost enough of all of this training stuff.

Then to top everything off, after we came home me got into trouble. That darn ole cat of Daddy's jumped off hims lap right in front of me boxer face and me tried to chase it. Daddy didn't like it either but what did hims think me would do??? Any self respecting boxer puppy would have tried to do the same thing. Me is sure of it. made Daddy mad and hims made me go get in me crate for some "time out" and so me could think about what me had done. Well me had already thought about what me had done, why does him thinks me did it??? A cat jumped in front of me face and me doggy instinct kicked in and me chased the cat. Silly ole darn cat, getting me in trouble like that. Grrrrrr



Cassie said...

Deer Murphee, now dat daylite sabings time has started agin, mi mommie has to wawk mi in de dark before she goze to wurk. Yu r rite, der r stwange luking tings and stwange smells dat r not der in de daylite! I hab to inspect dese tings and stop and sniff it owt, and mommie wantz to hurry mi along. Whatz up wit dat?

Yur boxer puppee instincts just jumped in wen dat kittee kat jumped wite in fwont ob yu--I wud hab dun de same ting dat u did.

U r a gud boxer puppee!!

Bye for now.

Yur fwiend the cairn terror,

Murphy said...


Mommy has this bright idea to take me out walking again tonight after dark. Hers says that we have to wait for the wind to die down cause it is too cold with the wind blowing.

Me would much rather go will it's daylight cause me can see what is comming and going.

Mommys sure is strange peoples


Cassie said...

Mommies are stwange peeples alwight!
