Sunday, April 02, 2006

Muddy feet

It seems that one of the things about spring is mud. This is especially true when the backyard is a bit tore up from the Sprinkler men working there a couple weeks ago. Yous remember thems? That was when me scared thems men so bad thems jumped the fence when the seen me coming.
The reason me brings this up is because Mommy and Daddy has founded a new way to humilate me, a sweet little boxer dog.

When thems lets me out back to go do me business or just to hang out, me gets me little boxer paws muddy. Me really can't help this cause there is muddy places where me likes to go. When this first happened Mommy grabbed a towel to wipe the mud off me paws. It didn't work really well so hers came up with a really bright idea. Hers has Daddy put the leash on me and hold me while hers gets the water hose and sprays off me paws. Hers picks up each of me little paws and sprays them on the bottom and between me toes to get the mud off. This would be fun if thems would let me bite at the water coming out of the hose but noooooooo, thems makes me stand there like a good boy.

This wasn't bad enough, on top of that when Mommy took me for a walk this morning we passed a whole yard full of squeaky toy dogs. Thems was running up and down the fence line squeaking threats at me and Mommy decided to use Daddy's new trainig tool. Hers made me lay down there and let them nasty little squeaky things yip and yap at me and all me could do was just lay there and not even buff back at thems. This just doesn't seem fair at all. Me should at least be able to buff back at them when thems gets to squeaking at me. After all didn't me prove me was a good boy earlier when these peoples were walking a really tiny squeaky dog and me didn't even pay it any attention? Sometimes these going for a walk rules just don't make no sense.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Oh, Murhpeee, I du hopz my momma duszn't reed dis, den she will be washing off my pawz, too, wen I cumz bak inside de haws.

N, I wud tink u shud be ablez to tell doze widdle sqweeky dogz a ting or 2 since u had been such a gud boi earlier.

Mommies are stwange sumtimes.
