Sunday, April 23, 2006

This has been some weekend!!!!

Mommy gave to me two new stuffed animals. One was a Koloa Bear and tha other was a little Monkey. Me was having a really good time with that ole Koloa Bear until me started to eat its little plastic nose and them Mommy tooked it from me. Hers says hers can't understand why me has to eat them. Hers thinks me should just snuggle up to stuffed animals and play with them really easy. But me isn't that kind of dog. Me likes to play rough with things. Hers said that a Boxer shouldn’t eat plastic cause it wasn’t good for their digestive system.

Then hers gaved to me a cute teeny, tiny Monkey to play with. Now isn’t that monkey just the cutest thing. Look at how me is giving it a boxer hug. There was only one little bitty problem. Me chewed it’s head off on Sunday morning and Mommy had to go pick up its stuffings in the yard before Daddy could mow.

After all these new toys, me came back inside to play with Daddy. Mommy tooked some pictures of me and Daddy playing. This will give you an idea of how me managed to make Daddy’s chair flip over. See this is what happens, Daddy will say “Murphy come here” and me jumps off the floor and lands square on hims chest and that’s what will flip hims chair over we found out.

Me didn't flip Daddy out of hims chair this time. And as you can see, me is still a teeny tiny lap puppy.

Today we did some yard work. Well actually Mommy and Daddy did tha yard work and me watched and laughed at them, just like Baywee says you have to do. Mommy went around and scooped strategically placed poop so Daddy could mow. Me doesn't think that Mommy and Daddy appreciate how much work and thought goes into placing the poop in all the right places. If thems did thems wouldn't always be picking it up. Me did learn one valuable lesson about laughing at your peoples. Thems don’t like to be laughed at and thems put me in tha outside kennel. Thems said it was to keep me safe but me knows it was to get even for laughing at them.

Me will have to write more about this weekend cause Mommy tooked lots of pictures and hers wants to post them all. MOMMYS!!!


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