Monday, April 17, 2006

Wet Dog

Running through the sprinkler system is the bestest fun in the world!!! Tonight Mommy let me go outside in the backyard cause hers thought me had to go do me business. There was only one thing, the sprinkler system was working and that meant there was water spraying everywhere. Me took off running just as fast as me could right through the spraying water, round and round and round the yard. This was lots of fun for a boxer and me didn't even try to bite the sprinkler heads either. Daddy is worried that me will bite them sprinkler heads and break them but me would much rather run through them than bite them.

The only problem with running through spraying water is that me gets all wet and then Mommy thinks me smells like a wet dog. Now isn't that the funniest thing you ever did hear? Of course me would smell like a wet dog and her doesn't like that smell. DUH me is a wet dog. That's what happens when me runs through the spraying water, me gets wet. It wouldn't be much fun if me didn't get wet. Mommy is baffled that me likes the water so much. Hers says me isn't no water dog like a spaniel or a lab and yet there me is playing in the water.

Me wishes Mommy would hurry up and buy me a doggie swimming pool so me can play in it.



Cassie said...

I duzn't hab eny spwinklers to runz trew, butz I lubz to run trew mud puddlez wen itz wained.

Only one pwoblem, it hazn't wained here in a wong time now. I wantz sum wader 2 wun trew and we needz de rain caws itz weally dwy and it is getting dangerous for firez here.


bay said...

I lub pwaying in da sprinklers too!! Mommie turned our system on a few days ago, but I haben't had much of a chance to pway wiff dem. Maybe today if it eber warms up to 70 degrees!!