Friday, June 30, 2006

Me is not a tattletale

Miss Pitty Pat says me is a tattletale and this is not tha truth at all. See this is what happened. Last night we was all sitting in tha den trying to escape tha heat. Mommy had opened tha sliding glass door to tha outside and had tha screen door in place. There was only one problem with having the screen door in place. See a couple weeks ago Mommy had put me outside and shut tha screen and forgotted me was out there. Me wanted to come back inside and so me pushed at the bottome of the screen door and pushed the screen out and came back inside. The screen hasn't been fixed and there is the problem.

So back to me story. We was all sitting in tha den trying to escape tha heat and suddenly me realized something was not right. Me kept whining and woofing at Mommy and hers would say "Hush Murphy" or "Murphy lay down and be quiet". Hers just didn't understand me was trying to tell her something really important. Me didn't give up though, me kept worrying Mommy and finally hers said "Murphy do you need to go outside?" Well finally!! Yes me needed to go outside and so did her. We got to tha back door and Mommy opened tha screen door and said "Let's go outside" well me knew right away hers wasn't going to go outside with me so me had to do something and fast cause time was wasting so me just stood in tha middle of tha kitchen and barked at her. Mommy walked out tha door and said "Murphy come". Well me has to obey that command cause me was trained to but that was okay cause her was outside now too and that's what me wanted her to do. Me runned right over to that patio table and woofed and Mommy said "Miss Pitty Pat what are you doing out here?"

Finally!!! Me knew that ole kitty was outside and wasn't supposed to be. Hers had pushed through tha torn screen (me fault) and escaped. Miss Pitty Pat isn't supposed to go outside cause hers won't stay in tha back yard. Mommy is afraid her will go to tha park and maybe get eaten by a coyote. Mommy scooped that kitty up and brought her back inside. And that is why me is a tattletale or at least that is what Miss Pitty Pat is calling me now. Mommy says me was a good dog and let her know that her little kitty was outside and her was proud of me. Miss Pitty Pat hasn't spoken to me all day today but me don't care cause Mommy would be so very sad if something happened to her Miss Pitty Pat.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Wat a smart boi yu r, Murphee! Eben dough yu waz taddle-taling, yuz did de wite ting ledding yur mommee now dat Miss Pitty Pat waz outside. Hopez yur momma gibz you lotz ob lubings and tweatz for being such a gud boi, and Miss Pitty Pat will forgibz yu soon.
