Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pizza Night

Me just loves it when Mommy and Daddy decides it's Pizza Night at our house. Mommy decided it was just to hot to do any cooking for dinner tonight. Me thinks her was just being a little bit lazy cause her had a perfectly lovely piece of beef in tha fridgerator. Her says her forgot to put it in tha crockpot. Anyway cause Mommy didn't feel like cooking thems deemed it was Pizza Night and Daddy ordered a pizza for us.

When the Pizza guy came to tha house with our pizza me decided it would be a good thing to go outside when Daddy wasn't looking and greet this deliverer of wonderful food so out me bounded. Daddy didn't think it was such a good idea and made me come back inside. Heck all me wanted to do was give the pizza man a big ole boxer kiss as a thank you.

Daddy paid tha pizza man and broughted that pizza inside for us to have for dinner. This is how it works when we have pizza night. Daddy and Mommy fill their plates with a couple slices of pizza and goes to watch the telebision and me goes and sits very attentively in front of Mommy to wait for her to give me the crust that her doesn't eat. This is a very good plan cause Mommy doesn't waste and food and me gets to have pizza. When Mommy finishes hers pizza me goes and sits very attentively in front of Daddy and wait for his handouts. The only thing is Daddy eats all of his pizza so me don't get any pizza from him. Tonight me had 3 pieces of pizza crust and it was yummy!! Me is sure if me vet Dr. Caldwell knew about this her would not be happy but me isn't going to tell her.



Cassie said...

Oh, boy, pizza! Ymmmmmm, I duntz getz de cwust, but I duz uzually getz a piece or two ob the pepperoni and some of de cheese. Dat's SO gud!

My daddy duzn't share wif me, butz my mom duz.


Murphy said...


Most of tha time my Daddy shares hims food with me cept when its pizza then hims is stingy.
