Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bugs at tha dog park

We took Bugs to tha Chatfield Dog Park this morning for tha berry firstest time. Daddy was a teeny tiny bit worried that hims might not come back and sometimes hims didn't. Hims would get so distracted with all them other dogs and peoples that hims would forget to come when hims was called. Eberybody thoughts him was a really cute little fellow and wanted to know if me was hims Daddy. And one silly person asked if me was hims Mommy. Really peoples just look at me, do me looks like a girl?

Bugs followed me around all over tha place sniffing and sniffing. There is so many smells there at tha park. Come on Bugs, you just follow me. Me knows all the good places to smell things.

His was having a berry good time too until this other dog was sniffing him to much. Bugs didn't like it and cause me is a berry good big bubba, me had to step in and try to protect him. This was not a good thing for Mommy and Daddy cause the other dog wanted to fight back and Daddy had to pull me off of him. Thems scolded me too. All me was doing was being a good big bubba but me guesses this is not what me is suppose to do. Especially when me did it two more times. Mommy wants to ask the vet about this cause me has never been like this before.

Bugs got to meet Lassie. Me knows it was Lassie cause me has seen tha mobies hers has been in. Lassie Come Home is me berry favorite mobie. Of course when Mommy went to take tha picture thems turned thems heads.

After a while Daddy had to put that little Doodlebug back on hims leash cause hims just was way to excited to come when hims was called. Hims walks really good on a leash now.

Me needs to go take a nap now cause having all that fun is hard work. Bugs is already sleeping on tha libing room sofa.


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