Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekends is tha bestest

Me's said it before but weekends is the bestest cause Mommy and Daddy is here all tha day long and we gets to play together. Now that Bugs is here too me has someone to play with all of the times. Yesterday we tooked Bugs with us to Bear Creek Park for hims firstest really long walk. Mommy and Daddy was really proud of him cause hims was behaving so well. Thems even let us both of tha leash to play in the snow a little. Daddy was a teeny bit worried that hims little bugaboo would not come back to him but Mommy said not to worry that as long as me would come when hers called that his little puppy would too.

When we got home Mommy had bought us both toys. Hers gave Bugs a stuffed hotdog

and me a stuffed hamburger but me wanted the hotdog not tha hamburger.

Me tried to take both of them but Mommy wouldn't let me. The only problem was that what ever toy me had Bugs wanted and if Mommy switched them then hims wanted the other one. Hers finally gave up and said we could figger it out. Me wanted the hotdog, no wait me wants the hamburger, no that's not it. Me wants them both and Bugs can't have none. We finally played keep away with both of them. This is tha bestest game to play with a little puppy cause me can run faster than Bugs and keep all tha toys away from him. Me likes this game a lot.

It's time for our early morning nap. Playing with this little doodlebug is really hard work. Maybe after we nap Mommy and Daddy will take us for another nice long walk.


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