Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Family Member

We gots another new doggie cousin. Hims name is Mickey but hims Mommy, Aunt Jeanne is going to call him Mic.Hims looks a little grumpy but then hims had a two hour plane trip from OH to FL in a little dog crate. Hims lefted hims foster family to come to hims forever home with Aunt Jeanne. Me is sure hims will love her and tha Spikester.

Hims looks like hims giving hims new Mommy tha evil eye don't ya think. See how that eyeball is looking at Aunt Jeanne funny. Me thinks hims is a bit over whelmed.

Welcome to tha Carroll Family little Mic.

Your Colorado cousins

Murphy and Bugs

Sunday, March 18, 2007

My peoples is wonderful

Me and tha Bugs-a-doodle have tha bestest peoples in tha whole wide world or at least in CO. Today our daddy builted us a bench seat to put in hims truck in place of tha jump seat that was back there. That old seat was dangerous for us dogs cause we didn't have no place for us to put our doggie butts if and when we decided to sit down. Daddy made it out of ply board and Mommy covered it with carpet so it was softer on our doggie butts and we couldn't get no splinters in our paws. We don't know what splinters is but we don't want thems.

Then to make things even better, our peoples tooked me and Bugs on a test ride. It worked fine except we both wanted to be in tha same spot and there's no windas for us to hang our doggie heads out of. Now if Mommy and Daddy would pull thems seats forwards till thems knees was at thems chins, me and Bugs could hang our heads out of tha windas.

We loves tha new "dog seat" in Daddy's truck!!!

Murphy and Bugs

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bugs really is a rogue

Well it's official, in case we wasn't sure before we is sure now that little bubba of mine is a rouge. Me is tha good son and Bugs is the rogue, at least that's what Mommy says. It's a good thing me is tha good son to cause Bugs sure did get himself into big trouble last night. Yep that little puppy is feeling better and back at tha top of hims game.

Mommy had taken out a package of steak and set it way back on tha counter by tha stove so me and Bugs wouldn't get it. Mostly if tha meat is still packaged me won't bother it but not Bugs, so Mommy has to put it far back on tha counter. Well Mommy lefted tha kitchen and went upstairs to take care of some chore when hers heard a "splat". Hers though it was me and tha Bugs running out tha new dog door and so hers finished doing her chore before hers came back down tha stairs.

When Mommy came back down stairs her saw me, Murphy tha good son, sitting on hims stool in front of tha picture window, with an expression on me face that said "Me's tha good son, me didn't do nothing but sit here and look out tha winda". Bugs came running into tha livin room and sat down on tha floor beside me with a look on hims face that said " me is a good son too Mommy, me is a good son too". Of course Mommy didn't believe it and said "Bugs what did you do?" Hers knew hims did something cause hims also looked really, really guilty.

Mommy walked into tha kithen and that Doodlebug was hot on her heels. When Mommy asked again what hims had done, hims tried not to act guilty but hims looked over to where tha meat was laying on tha floor and then back at Mommy. Let me tell you, Mommy was not very happy!!! Hers said in her "alpha" voice "BUGS WHAT DID YOU DO?" Well that little puppy runned as fast as hims could right down them stairs to tha den and into hims crate and laid down with hims head on them little Great Dane paws.

Bugs was lucky too, cause hims had only just begun trying to open that package of steak and trying to eat it when Mommy camed down them steps. If hers had stayed upstairs longer Bugs would have eaten that steak and Mommy and Daddy wouldn't have had no dinners at all. Mommy told Bugs that if thems hadn't just spent all that money on hims vet bill, she would be sending him back to Texas. Me has finally figger out this is an idle threat on Mommy and Daddy's part but Bugs was a little worried about it. Hims tries to be good, really hims does, but hims is just a puppy and sometimes hims can't help himself.

Murph tha good son

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Bugs is going to live!! Me was so worried that something really bad was going to happen to me little buggy. But tha good news is, hims is on tha mend. Our vet is wonderful and has made him all better. Hims neck is not all swollen any more, it's only scabby cause it's healing.

Tha bad thing is we can't play together for another week cause thems wants hims neck to heal completely. This means that one of us has to be in our crate all of tha times, but Mommy and Daddy cheated a little tonight. Thems let us go outside and play together a little bit tonight. Thems just made sure that me didn't go lick Bugs' neck. Me sure has missed playing with Bugs!!! Another week is going to be to long. Tha good thing is, Mommy and Daddy is taking me for lots and lots of car rides to make up for me not being able to play with Bugs.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Poor Little Bugs a Doodle

My bubba is not feeling good at all. In fact hims had to go to tha vet tonight and have tha vet put hims under so thems could exam hims neck. See this is what happened.

Yesterday me noticed Bugs had a "hot" spot on hims neck and me kept licking it and licking it trying to make it all better. Instead me made it worse but me didn't mean to. Getting that spot all wet only made tha bateria grow faster and faster. Mommy said hers noticed Bugs wasn't feeling good cause we wasn't rough housing and all me wanted to do was lick hims neck. Mommy is really smart, her knew me shouldn't be doing that even if me was trying to help so her made me leave hims alone.

Then this morning all Bugs wanted to do was lay in hims crate. Mommy thought maybe hims had what me had a couple weeks ago but it was even worse than that. Daddy came home and noticed Bugs neck was all wet and weepy and me hadn't even been near him. Daddy called Mommy and thems made an appointment to take hims to tha vet. Mommy got home and noticed that poor little Bugs neck was all swollen up really, really big on tha right side.

When the vet's assistant and tha vet looked at Bugs thems thought hims had been in a fight and gotten bit. Ya know who thems was thinking had been fighting with him don't ya...........yep me. I swear though, even though me and me little Bubba will fight sometimes over da bones me would never ever bite him. Anyway that vet kepted him there and had to put him under so thems could shave all tha hair off hims neck cause it was really painful. After thems shaved Bugs they found hims hadn't been biten by me, but had a really bad skin infection and it was draining and swollen. Now poor Bugs has to takes a bunch of medicine, not wear hims collar and tha very worsted thing of all, we can't play together at all until hims is healed. This is just terrible cause me loves playing with that little doodle bug and hims loves to play with me. In fact our doctor said we probaly can't play together for a couple weeks. Which means that when Bugs is out of hims crate me will have to be in mine and vice versa. And me don't know how we is going to go for walks cause hims can't wear no collar till it's all healed either. The good thing is, evberybody knows me didn't bite Bugs.

Murphy, who is really not liking be seperated from hims Bubba

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Look Alike Contest

Oh my, this is even worse than tha Mardi Paws Parade. Aunt Jeanne entered her and the Spikester in a look alike contest!!!!! Now hims really looks like a curmudgeon. Me just don't understand humans sometimes. Why do our humans do these things to us? Don't we always provide love and devotion to our humans? Spike looks really put out if you asked me, but them me supposes nobody did. This poor little dog don't look nothing likes hims Mommy.

Mommy thinks these pictures is cute and says hers is going to see if they have something like this here in Denver so hers and Daddy can enter us in contests. Grrrrrr thems better not cause me and Bugs don't want to be in no contest. Besides what catagory would you enter us in? Mommy does say that Bugs and Daddy looks alike but me and hers don't? Maybe tha warrior catagory cause Daddy says Mommy is a "warrior woman" and me could be her trusty warrior dog companion.

Murphy and Bugs, who don't want to be in no contest.

Mardi Paws Parade

Woof, woof, woof, this is berry funny and me just had to share with all me doggie pals. First off Mommy's family is really silly. Thems dresses up thems puppies and puts thems in parades. Mommy said this year there was Mardi Paws Parade near where her sister Myrna lives in New Orleans. Myrna and hers other sister Jeanne entered thems puppies in it. Here is thems pictures.

This is my cousin Spike aka Tha Spikester. Hims is Aunt Jeanne's boy. Aunt Myrna calls hims a curmudgeon causes hims always has a frown on hims face. This is a boy and hims should be frowning if this is how hims mommy dresses hims. Thems is feathers and beads silly mommy and this is "manly" kind of dog. Hims looks very embarassed but my Mommy thinks hims looks cute as a button.

This is me cousin Dixie. Hers mommy is Aunt Myrna. Hers also looks a little bit embarassed and put out cause hers is in a tutu. At least this is a girl dog costume and hers looks very pretty in it.

This is Uncle Doug's little dog Max. Hims is dressed up as a witch. Me thought that only girls could be witches but Mommy said no, that boys could be witches too if thems wanted too.

Even though thems is berry, berry cute in thems costumes, me and Bugs is sure glad Mommy and Daddy don't make us dress up in costumes. That's probably cause we is lots bigger than our cousins and it would be a lot harder to make us dress up.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Happy Murphday to me!!!

Mommy and Daddy have renamed birthday to Murphday just for me! Me loves having me very own day it makes me feel really special. Of course me peoples says it's Murphday all of tha times cause me is special.

See how nice Mommy arranged me Murphday dinner? Hers got me and Bugs two plain cheeseburgers and a vanilla sundae from McDonalds. Me don't think Bugs should have had two of them burgers cause hims isn't even a year old yet. A half of burger would have been better. Next year when me is three do you think hers will give me three cheeseburgers?? (always thinking ahead). Notice that me Murphday dinner is on human plates.

And this is me sitting really nicely like tha good boy me is. Mommy and Daddy makes me sit and wait until me is invited to come have dinner. Thems says it's good table maners and makes me a much nicer dog to be around. Bugs is still learn hims table manners.

And look at me eat that sundae. To bad Mommy didn't bring home a Wednesday too since thats what day it is. Hers must have gotten mixed up with tha days of tha week and thought it was Sundae. That stuff was really really good too.

Me hasn't gotten no presents yet but Mommy will take me to PetSmart on tha weekend and let me pick out a toy.

Me hopes all me friends peoples got them special foods to help me celebrate.

Murphy, tha Murphday Boy