Sunday, July 31, 2005

July 30, 2005 A Fish Tale

Your mine now Mr Shark!!!!
Let go of my nose!!!!
I got it, I got it
Dadump Dadump Dadump


Today we was attacked!!!! DADUMP DADUMP DADUMP It came out of the hot tub water place and it was huge!!! Mommy said it was a Great White Shark but only a little one and she ran and gotted her camera. It didn't look all that little to me that's for sure. That thing was ugggly!! And had huge choppers that was dripping and oozing saliva all over tha place and it was snarling and chomping it's huge tooths at me. Me was a brave boxer puppy and grabbed it off of the hot tub so it couldn't escape back to the deep waters and runned with it to the lawn where we fought for hours and hours. The whole time me brave Mommy was taking pictures. Me is sure me is going to be in the papers and the tabloids.
Well me and this shark fought and fought. First he'd be on top and then me would be on top and the whole time Mommy was saying "Get it Murphy!! Get it" Well me was trying as hard as me could to get the best of that thing. Finally me grabbed it by it's huge, big head and flung it high up in the air. Did you know that sharks can't fly??? Me neither cause it came back down and landed on me head. Me caught it in me little mouth and trotted off with it under a tree to fight somemore. Mommy must have thought it was safe cause she opened the door to go inside. When she did the shark escaped and flopped inside the house. It was horrible, Mommy was hollering for me to come inside and get the monster and me was trying but Miss Pitty Pat was in the way cause the hers thought that hers could kill it. NO WAY, that's me shark, me saw it first!!!! Grrrr
Then the shark gots into the living room and jumped up on the ottoman. Now how do you suppose that ole shark jumped? It don't have no legs. Me will have to figure that one out later. Anyway it was on the ottoman and was staring at me really mean and daring me to get it. It grabbed me by me short little boxer nose and was biting hard. Help, Help me can't breathe with a shark holding me by the nose. Me was getting scared and struggling and then me heard that ole Miss Pitty Pat. Hers was sitting on the sofa washing her face and laughing at me. Hers said, "You goofy dawg, that's not a for real shark. Why don't ya'll know a stuffed toy when ya'll see one?" (Her's a Southern Kitty Cat and hers talks with an accent). It was not a toy couldn't that cat see it had me by the nose???
Well me slung me head and that ole shark went flying through the air and landed up against the wall in the living room. That's when me got it again. This time me shook it and shook it till it just laid there. It wasn't trying to flop or jump or fly or nothin. Me thinks it finally died and me saved the family from certain death. Now it's safe to get back into hot tub. Me don't think them things comes back to life. And if you don't believe me Fish Tale Mommy took pictures so just look.

Murphy the Fisherdog

Monday, July 25, 2005

July 25, 2005 Cell Phones aren't chew toysJuly

Me is in trouble again. Ya know sometimes it is soooooo hard being a Boxer puppy. Me really does try my very best to be a good boy but sometimes me just can't help it. How was me supposed to know that a cell phone in a leather case wasn't a chew toy??? In me self-defense, Mommy is always buying me new toys so how was me supposed to know it wasn't for me? Okay, so hers doesn't give me toys encased in leather cause thems looks like shoes or belts.See Mommy left her cell phone sitting on the end table and hers was in another room. Me being the curious Boxer puppy that me is, Me decided to pick it up in me little mouth and carry it to where Mommy was. Me was just trying to be helpful, really!!! But then the leather thingy around the cell phone started tasting really yummy and me took it into the Living Room instead of too Mommy. Of course who should find me chewing on the leather case with the phone in it??? Why Daddy of course. Hims took it to Mommy and said "Look what Murphy has". Mommy didn't seem too upset, after all me didn't chew on it too much. Mommy said that me was just trying to make a phone call. Yeah, yeah that's what me was doing. If that's what Mommy thinks then that's what me was doing. Of course me has to be careful and not let Daddy catch me with the cell phone again. Murphy

Sunday, July 24, 2005

July 24, 2005 What a Weekend it's been

Woof!! It has been quite a weekend for a little boxer dog. First off Mommy told me that me has been living with her and Daddy for two months now. It seems like we's all been together forever and ever. Me is sooooo happy that Mommy found me and brought me home. Hers seems happy about it too. We had a Hot Tub Party on Friday night. Mommy and Daddys friends came over for a cookout and a soak in the hot tub. Everybody had steak, well not everybody. Nobody gave me any!!!! Mommy's friend Donna offered to give me her left over steak, but hers being a good guest asked first and Mommy said no, she'd rather not get me started eating table scraps. Now does this seem fair??? If it's good enough for all them peoples, why wouldn't it be good enough for a little boxer boy? Me has to work on this. Next time me will just go sit beside Donna and give her my most pitiful, starving puppy look and see if that will get me some table scraps.After dinner tha ladies decided to get into the big ole box of water. Now for the life of this little boxer puppy, me can not understand what is so special about sitting in a big box of water for a long time. And another thing, don't people know how anxious a puppy gets when there are so many peoples to watch over while they's all in that water box. Me got really worried when Mommy got way on the other side of the water box and me couldn't get to her. It makes me worry a lot when hers does that. What if her's wanted to give me a treat and me couldn't get to her to get it??Do you know what a weed eater is??? Me neither but it makes a lot of noise and it looks like it is eating the grass where ever Mommy put it. It was lots of fun!!! Me would run in at it and try to bite it but Mommy got upset and had Daddy put me inside. Hers said me could get me little boxer nose cut up if I keep trying to bite it. Woof, it's not a boxer puppy nose eater!!! It's a weed eater!! And if it would eat me nose, why won't it eat Mommy's nose?? Me just don't understand why all the fun things are things me can't do cause me might get hurt.Murphy

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

July 19, 2005 PODD

Daddy says that me is suffering from PODD. Now me is just a little boxer puppy but me don't think me is a PODD. Mommy asked what it was and if it was contagious. Hers was concerned me was getting sick again or maybe getting another bump on me little head. Me was sitting there with me little head cocked to one side trying me best to look smart and waited for Daddy's answer. It seems that PODD is a very rare aliment and apparently Mommy and me are both suffering the effects of it.POD is Post O'livia Distress Disorder. Mommy was laughing cause she thought Daddy was so silly. Me and mommy really do miss O'livia a lot. Me especially cause me has to stay in me crate again during the day will Daddy is out working. Hims tries to come home often to let me out but its not the same as hving O'livia here to snuggle with. Mommy misses hers a lot too but me doesn't think hers has PODD as bad as me. See, me woke Mommy up last night cause me wanted to play with hers, so hers got up and played with me for a while.Mommy told me that O'livia showed her Mommy Tara and Uncle Rhett (Mommy's two legged boy) and Danny pictures of me and everybody thought me was quite a handsome little boxer boy. That makes me just wiggle all over with happiness. Me sure hopes me can meet all this two legged family. Thems all sounds like thems like little boxer puppies a lot.Murphy

Sunday, July 17, 2005

July 17th, Computers and little Boxers don't mix

Well me is in trouble once again. I tried to send and e-mail to my pal Bailey on Mommy's computer and me got busted. Mommy came into her office and saw me sitting in her chair at her desk w/ me little paws on the keyboard. Hers said "Murphy, get down from there. You can't use a computer you silly puppy." Well now what hers doesn't know is the me has been practicing every chance me gets. When Mommy is at work and Daddy is in his office downstairs, me sometimes goes into Mommy's office and sit at her desk and try to send e-mails. Me little paws are too big to hit the keys just write and sometimes the e-mails look like this...dklsalkewsroi asgjnaow aopmdpa, but of course if you know anything about boxers then you know that is boxer writing and translates in to "Hello world this is Murphy here". Just now me tried to help Mommy use her laptop but hers wouldn't let me. You just wait and see, me will figure out how to use that silly laptop yet. And when me does, me will be sending e-mails all over the place.Off to try typing on the big key board.Murphy

Saturday, July 16, 2005

July 16th 2005 Hers Back!!!!

Woof Woof (wiggling with delight) HERS BACK! HERS BACK!! O'livia is back!!! Mommy says that because O'livia was flying "standby" with a buddy pass and the plane was full hers couldn't get on to go home and see hers mommy. Hey do ya think mes can fly with a buddy pass? Me's O'livias buddy and me could stand by hers when hers goes home to see her mommy. Me thinks that's how that goes. Oh boy that would be fun. Cept what about my mommy? Hummm, me's will have to put me little boxer brain to work on this problem.Anyway, O'livia is staying one more night with us. Mommy had to buy O'livia a one way ticket home. This was what happened to O'livia when hers came out to visit us only Daddy had to buys her a ticket to come out her cause the same thing happened then too. The plane was full and O'livia couldn't get on with hers buddy pass. Must have been because hers didn't have a buddy to fly with hers out her. If that's how it works then maybe me better keep me little boxer self here with Mommy and Daddy. Me wouldn't have a buddy to fly home with. Besides, me little boxer brain has been thinkn and thinkn on this problem. How can O'livia fly?Me has sniffed O'livia all over da place and me knows for a fact that hers does not have wings. The only thing me has seen in me short little boxer life that has wings is them ole birds that flies over my head. Me's never seen wings on O'livia or Mommy or Daddy or any of their friends. So me is confused as to how O'livia can fly!!! Me needs to go get in me crate and think about all this stuff.Murphy

Friday, July 15, 2005

July 15. 2005 Me's a sad puppy

Me is a sad, sad little boxer puppy. Me little girl O'livia (well hers not so little but me likes to think her is) is going back home to her mommy and brothers today. Me is really going to miss hers sooooooo much!!! AWOOOOOOH, AWOOOOOH. (Hers says she misses her mommy and is ready to go home. )Hers would get up in the mornings and let me out of my crate after Mommy and Daddy had gone to work. Me would sit in the chair with hers while hers played on that computer thingy. It was so nice having somebody here with me during the day. Me sure hopes hers comes back to visit me again. Mommy says she will, after all mommy is O'livia's grandmother. Now me is not sure what a grandmother is, but it must be a nice thing cause O'livia and mommy have a good time together. Mommy says me will be all grown up the next time me sees O'livia and me might not remember hers. WOOF how could me not remember me first little girl? (big soulful boxer puppy sigh) Me hopes she comes back really soon.Murphy

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Wow remember when me was helping the mens build the platform thingy for something called a hot tub a few days ago........well sirree bob it showed up and is now sitting on the green thing that Daddy and the mens builded. Mommy says it's for growup two legged people and not for little boxer dog people. While hers was filling it up me tried to put my little stuffed lamb in to give it a bath. (Lambs like baths cept they might shrink cause thems wooly.) Mommy wouldn't let me put the lamb in but hers did let me look at it. Hers says her might try it out tonight ifn it cools down some. Hers and Daddy is always getting in wet places and sitting or standing for long times. It sure makes this little boxer nervous. Why hers even put me in the inside hottub and said hers was going to give me a bath. Woof sometimes peoples don't make good sense.

Me did have a fun adventure this evening with the water sprinkly thingy in the me yard. Mommy turned on this thingy and all of a sudden water was going round in circles just squirting everywhere and me was woofing at it and trying to bite it and drink it and all sorts of stuff. It would go one way spraying and squirting water and me'd try to catch it there and then all of a sudden it would change directions and go the other way spaying and squirting the whole time. Just when me would think me had it under control and stopped the leaking when off it would go again. Mommy made me come inside cause her said me would make me little self sick trying to drink all that water. Me was just trying to help by drinking it. It was fun and of course Mommy had to take pictures of me being silly. Embarassing!!!Murphy

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

July 12, 2005 BIG TROUBLE gots me little self into trouble today. Wooof Wooof Mommy is not happy with me at all. Hers was eating hers dinner and the phone made a noise and hers got up to answer it and let hers chair out and food on the table. Mes thought hers meant for me to eat it so me did. Me climbed up on mommy's chair and walked right up onto that table and began slurping up hers soup and eating the rest of hers sandwich. Me wouldn't have gotten caught either if me ole dog tags hadn't been hitting the bowl. Mommy turned around to shoo off the cat she thought and there me was just big as day standing in the middle of the dining room table slurping up soup. Mommy said in a really loud voice " MURPHY GET DOWN FROM THERE" and me did too. But then hers started to laugh and say hers wishes hers camera was handy. Well you know what that would have meaned. Hers would have taken a picture and put it here on me diary for everybodies to see. As O'livia would say "embarrassing"Speaking of pictures for everybodies to see. Did you see that picture of me in me little bed. Hers took that one morning really, really early. Hers thought me was soooooo cute laying there looking sleepy. And speaking of me little bed. That was the other thing me did this evening to get me in troubles. Me decided to take the stuffins out of my bed and now there is no stuffing only a piece of ole fake sheep skin for me to lay on. Me didn't mean to tear it up, but it was so much fun me didn't stop to think about. Woof, after all me is only a baby.Murphy