Sunday, July 30, 2006

Left behind

Me sometimes doesn't understand why me peoples does what them does but Mommy always says it's for me own good. This morning me peoples went off and left me at home to guard the house while thems went to the Bronco's Training Camp and then to see some Dragon boat races. Me really, really wanted to go, especially to the Bronco's Training Camp. This would have been me big opportunity to try out as a running boxer for tha team. Mommy said it was going to be berry, berry hot today and it would not be a good thing to take a dog. Me wasn't berry happy but me knew me had an important job here at home so me stayed and guarded the house.

When me peopels came home Mommy said me should be a happy boxer that thems lefted me behind. When thems got to the Dragon boat place there was peoples with thems dogs with them and this upset Mommy. See there was all this really hot pavement and there wasn't much shade and thems peoples who had their dogs with them was making them dogs walk on the really hot pavement. Mommy said her saw one Golden Retriever who had her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth her was so hot. In fact hers was so hot her wasn't even panting. This upset Mommy a lot. Hers says peoples claim to love their dogs but they don't always act like it. Mommy lefted me at home cause her knew it would be way to hot for me to walk on that pavement and there wasn't no place for a dog to get water or take a potty break. Her said cause her loved me so much her thought me was safer and more comfortable at home where me had lots of water, air conditioninig and access to the back yard if me needed to go.

Me is sooooo lucky to have peoples who loves me so much. Peoples forgets the pads on our paws can burn. We never complain cause we wants to be with our peoples but sometimes it sure can be painful. Me wanted to go really bad with them but now me understands why me had to stay home. Of course me will forget this the next time me gets left at home.

Murphy who doesn't have burnt pads on him feet

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

10 days to go

It is only 10 more days till me gets to go on bacation with me peoples. This is one excited boxer dog. Me knows me is really getting to go cause Mommy is getting things together to take for me. Hers even added them to her "camping list". Me is going to have me own little suitcase too. Well it isn't really a suitcase but more of a cloth Whole Foods grocery bag. This should be big enough to hold me food bowl, rubber bone, leash and dog food. Me sure hopes Mommy doesn't forget to take me bed too.

The only bad part about this whole camping trip is me has to stay on a leash of teethered cause we is going to be out in the mountains and the camp ground rules is dogs has to be on a leash or teethered at all times. Mommy says this is to keep me safe from other peoples and thems pets. Her also says there is wild animals out there in them mountains so her doesn't want me chasing them. It don't matter, cause this boxer is going to be with hims peoples and that's all that matters. This will be the longest trip me has taken in tha car too. This is so exciting me is wiggling all over just thinking about it. WOOF!!!! Hurry up lets go camping!!!!

Murphy the moutain dog

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Car rides

Me loves to go on car rides and do you know why? Cause Mommy puts the windows part way down in the back seat and me can stick me head out and sniff all of tha smells that need to be sniffed. Me just bounces back and forth between tha two back windows and sticks me head out that window and sniffs. You would be very, very surprised at how different the smells are sniffing out tha left window and then sniffing out tha right window. And along with all them wonderful smells there is the having the wind blowing in me face and making me ears flap back. Last night me got to go to tha Post Office with Mommy because her said it was late and her needed a big strong boxer to go with her to protect her. Then tonight Mommy and Daddy took me for a ride just because thems thought me needed to go for a ride. Isn't them wonderful parents. Now if them would just let me drive.

One of the bestest car rides happens on the weekends. On Saturday mornings Mommy always takes me for a car ride to tha bank with her. Me just loves going to tha bank and me knows cause me recognizes the smells that are on tha way to tha bank. Mommy pulls up to this glass window thing and do you know what that window does? It has a metal hand that sticks out for Mommy to put this bundle of papers her has. Then it talks!!!!! It will say hello to her and it will say " what a handsome dog" and "what's his name?" Me always cocks me head trying to figure out where the mouth was that was making the words. Then the metal hand comes back out and it has a little piece of paper in it for Mommy and dog treat for me. It happens every time we goes to tha bank and me don't even have to do anything to get that treat either besides being handsome. Mommy laughs cause me gets really excited when that metal hand comes back out with that dog treat in it. Me can't wait until next Saturday.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

We's going camping!!!

Things is starting to get back to normal around here. Mommy is still sad and really misses her kitty but me is doing me boxer best to fill the void that was left when Miss Pitty crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

There is some exciting news. Me is going to get to go on bacation with Mommy and Daddy in 2 weeks. We is going camping!!!!! Mommy says that hers has always taken her dogs camping and it's time me gets to go. Mommy and Daddy got tha camper out today and opened it up. This was very, very interesting and me went inside and got right up on tha bed and laid down. That camper bed is going to work just fine for a boxer dog to sleep on. Me isn't sure where thems is going to sleep but me has me spot all picked out. The best part about going camping (me hasn't ever been before but me heard thems talking) is that Mommy and Daddy will have to take me EVERYWHERE thems goes cause ya can't leave a dog alone in tha campground. That's tha rules and me thinks that is a very good rule too. Me can't wait, me is going to pack me little suitcase with all me toys, leash, a blanket (it gets cold in tha mountains even in tha summer) my dish and some dog food (although me is counting on getting people food). Me can't wait!!!!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Miss Pitty Pat

Me was going to whine and whimper about how me had been mistreated over the last few days, while Mommy and Daddy was gone but Miss Pitty Pat is really, really sick and Mommy is very worried so me can't be selfish right now.

Daddy called Miss Pitty Pat this morning and hers didn't come to him but instead was laying in the floor in their bedroom crying. Hers can't walk. Mommy is scared her kitty had a stroke and thems is going to have to put her to sleep. Thems is getting ready to take her to the vet now.

Me will keep you posted.


Miss Pitty Pat 2/14/1996 - 7/18/2006

UPDATE 10:06

This is a very, very sad day in our household. Mommy had to make the decision to put her very bestest kitty cat, Miss Pitty Pat, to sleep this morning. Miss Pitty’s kidney failed on her and there is nothing that can be done to save her. Mommy didn’t know her little kitty was so sick and her’s feels terrible cause hers thinks her let that little girl down.
Miss Pitty Pat has been Mommy’s kitty for 10 years. Her’s even made the trip with Mommy to Colorado, keeping her the bestest company on that trip. Mommy says her was like having a dog cause her came when her was called by her name and wagged her tail just like a dog. We are all so sad. Mommy can’t stop crying and me doesn’t know what to do to make her feel better.

Me sure is going to miss that kitty too. We would play and play and play all of the time. Hers was my kitty to.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Something's up

Okay so something is happening here and me isn't sure what the dickens it is. FSaturday is Daddy's birthday and Mommy has been packing her suitcase and gathering together things like thems is going away to celebrate. Me has noticed a pattern. When Mommy has her suitcase out and is putting things in it that means thems is going somewhere and me doesn't get to go whith thems. Not only that, her has started collecting other things that means her is going away. And it's looking like me is going to have to go spend time at me vet's place again. Grrrr this is so not fair. Me wants to go on trips with thems. Wasn't me good when we went on the picnic and saw tha bear??? Mommy did say me gets to go camping with them next month for a few days but me wants to go this time too. And what's really, really not fair is them kitties get to stay home and be kitty sitted by our neighbor boy Eric. Me wants to stay home and have him come dog sit me. We could have such a really good time. Me has to come up with a plan.

Murphy, who doesn't want to get lefted behind

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rain Rain Rain

It has rained the whole live long weekend. When it's all rainy like this me doesn't get to go outside much. Mommy says wet dogs don't smell so good. One of tha things we did cause we was bored was change the way me blog looks. Me isn't sure me likes it or not. Mommy says as soon as she can figure out how, hers is going to create something special for me.

The Monsoons are here and we need all this rain so there won't be any fire bans when we goes camping next month. Anyway with all this rain we couldn't go outside and play very much. Mommy tooked me for a little short walk last night. Of course wouldn't you know it, a daggum ole rabbit (two really) just hopped right in front of me and you know me wanted to chase them. Mommy saw it as a "training opportunity" and zapped me and told me to sit. Me did but me was really alert watching them ole bunnies. Mommy made me sit there for a little bit. Then hers tooked me close to where one of them bunnies was sitting and made me sit. When it started to hop away and me tried to chase it Mommy zapped me again and told me "down". Well of course me did what hers asked but it was hard. Mommy says that me has to learn me can't chase bunnies. Her says me being allowed to go on walks off leash depends on me learning this. Me is going to try to learn to change me behavior where them ole bunnies are concerned but it's going to take some time that is for sure.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Letter to My Pets:

Mommy thinks she may have posted this before but just in case she hasn't here it is again and her says it's all true especially the parts about hers going to the bathroom by herself. Me and Miss Pitty Pat usually go with her just in case her needs our help.


Letter to My Pets:
When I say to move, it means to go someplace else, not to switch positionswith each other so there are still two of you in my way.

The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. All otherdishes are mine and contain my food. Please note that placing your paw printin the middle of MY plate and food does not stake a claim making it YOURplate and food.

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating meto the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help in your quest toreach the bottom first, because I fall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry aboutthis. Do not think that I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure yourcomfort.

Dogs and cats actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is notnecessary to sleep perpendicular to one another, stretched out to thefullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out andhaving tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by somemiracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is notnecessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob, or get your paw underthe edge of the door and try to pull it open. I must exit through the samedoor I entered Honest.

Also, I have been using the bathroom by myself for quite some time --canineor feline attendance is not mandatory.

I can't stress this one enough -- kiss me, THEN go smell the otherdog's/cat's behind. To pacify you, my dear companions, I have posted the following notice on ourfront door:

Rules for Non-Pet Owners Who Visit and then Complain about Our Pets

1. The pets live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.(That's why it's called "fur"niture.)
3. To you, our pets are just animals. To us, they are an adoptedson/daughter who happens to be hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speakclearly.
4. Dogs and cats are better than kids because: - they don't ask for moneyall the time - they are easier to train - they usually come when called -they don't hang out with drug-using friends - they don't need a gazilliondollars for a college education, and - if they get pregnant, you can sellthe children.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Not again tonight!!!!

It's happening again tonight. Them kids in tha neighborhood is letting off more fireworks and the 4th of July is over. Me really doesn't mind all of tha noise but it really upsets Mommy especially when it starts at hers bedtime. Do you know them kids was setting off fireworks until 1:00 in tha morning? Daddy putted in hims earplugs and slepted through it but Mommy can't use them earplug things. Her says her hears her blood plusing and it keeps her awake. Me thinks Mommy really is a very light sleeper. Anyway me sure hopes them stops with all them fireworks early tonight so Mommy can get some sleep. Her will start getting grumpy if her doesn't get her sleep.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fireworks on the 4th of July


Today was the 4th of July and that means it was Independence Day and everybody has cookouts and BBQ's. The other thing peoples does is light fireworks. Fireworks make beautiful colors in tha sky but sometime the peoples lighting them things gets carried away with them. Now me is not afraid of all them loud bangs and noises cause me is a very brave Boxer, but me is really getting tired of all these fireworks!!! These things are really nosiy and them is strating to get on me nerves big time. It's 10:30 at the night time and all of this noise is keeping me and Mommy up. Hers has to go back to work tomorrow and hers needs to sleep. Don't them peoples out there know its time to go to bed???? Go to bed peoples its way late at night!!! Mommy needs to rest so her can go to work tomorrow.

Murphy who needs hims beauty sleep

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Long Weekend

It's the 4th of July weekend and Mommy and Daddy is off for a really long weekend with me. Thems have four days off. Me is so excited to have all this time with them. It's only Saturday and already me has done all kinds of things

Mommy usually takes me with her to tha bank on Saturday morning so me knows me is going to get a dog biscuit and sits with me head out tha window and looks very handsome. As usual Mommy took me to tha bank with her this morning and the ladies in the window for tha drive through thought me was very very handsome. Thems knew me was waiting for me biscuit and was very happy to give me one. Then Mommy tooked me home and went to run some errands and her came home with a surprise for me. Her's brought me a swiming pool. Me isn't really sure what to do with it but Mommy said her was going to take some pictures as soon as her batteries for tha camera recharge. Me thinks me is supposed to get in tha pool but me isn't real sure.

Then the most exciting thing happened. Mommy said to Daddy lets go on a picnic and lets take Murphy with us. And thems did. We went to KFC and Mommy bought some chicken for thems and hers had packed some chicken breasts from last week for me. We headed up the mountain to find a picnic place. Daddy pulled over at the picnic area of Buffalo Bill's Grave Site and we had a really nice dinner but that wasn't the bestest part.

The best part of tha whole day was later when we went to Genesse Park. We was driving up tha mountain and suddenly Mommy said "There's a bear!!!!" Her yelled for Daddy to back up so we could see tha bear. Now according to Mommy if you lived in Chicago (wherever that is) you would say "da Bear" but since we is in Colorado her just said "a bear". Sure enough Daddy backed the car up and there on Mommy's side of tha car, out in tha woods was a big ole black bear. Hims was just ambling peacefully along. Well me was really excited and had me head hanging out tha window and one foot too, just sniffing in the smell of that ole bear. Mommy was worried me might try to jump out of tha window and go after tha bear. Daddy was worried Mommy would get out of tha car to get a closer look at the bear. Me thinks there was a greater chance of Mommy getting out of the car than me. Me isn't stupid.

We watched the bear until hims disappeared and then we drove to the end of tha road and stopped. Me decided it was safe then to stick me head out tha window and growled and woofed a couple times just to let that ole bear know that Murphy the Bear Dog was in tha area and ready to take him on. Me is pretty smart for a boxer and knows that if you is going to threaten something as big as that ole bear you certainly don't do it near where tha bear is. Mommy was really excited about seeing tha bear and so was me. Wow a bear, who would have thought that me, Murphy, would ever get to see a bear.

Me can't wait to see what the rest of tha long weekend has in store for me.
