Twice this weekend me haz managed to get out tha front door when Daddy openned it and chased wabbits down tha street!!! Me had no idea how fast them little wascally critterz are, and themz zips and divez all ober tha place. Both timez themz ran and hide at tha last house on tha street. Me is sure Daddy waz glad of that cause if themz had run into the ball field, Daddy wouldn't have been able to lure me back with tha promise of a car ride. Yep, both timez me went after tha ole wabbit, Daddy and Mommy got me attention but asking me if me wanted to go for a ride......and me fell for it both timez. Now me is a much smarter boxer pup than that and for tha most part me iz smarter than me peoplesz but when themz mentionz "ride" me forgetz it could be a trick and comez running back home az fast az me me boxer legz can run. And why shouldn't me, tha car door iz open and waiting for me to jump in, then Mommy reachez into tha car and leadz me back into tha house. Next time me isn't going to fall for that trick and me iz going to catch that wascally wabbit too!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bugs Birthday Party
Well Monday waz Bugz E Doodle Esq's birfday and we iz still waiting for the birfday party. Monday Daddy had to work and Mommy went to Auntie Margaret'z houze to help her do something and there waz no party. Oh themz all said "Happy Birfday Bugz" but no cheeze burgerz or ice cream like last year. In fact Mommy and Daddy said Bugz would know tha difference if tha party waz put off until today. Daddy even said dogz don't have no sense of time. Oh really.......... well me iz here to tell you that we know there waz suppose to be a party yesterday and it didn't happen. Then there waz supposed to be a party tonight and again it'z been postponed until tomorrow. Grrrrrrr at this rate it'll be Bugz "Gottcha Day" in Nobember before themz getz around to himz birfday party. Me will keep you posted about the pending "late birfday" party.
Murphy, who wantz himz cheeseburger and ice cream.
Murphy, who wantz himz cheeseburger and ice cream.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Going to have a birthday party!!!
Monday is Bugz E Doodle esq's birfday. Himz will be 3 years old. Me can't believe it!!! That little pest will be 3 years old. This means we iz going to have a birfday party with all tha trimingz. Me hopez Mommy rememberz to invite cousin Hank to come and help me and Bugz celebrate. Me iz looking forward to tha cheeseburgerz and ice cream Mommy and Daddy iz going to get for us at McDonaldz. If we iz lucky we is both going to get new toyz. Only problem iz ole Bugz wantz me new toy az well as himz new toy. You would think having one new toy would be enough but nooo, not Bugz. Himz is one greedy dog, not like himz big brother, me, at all.
Now me must go look at tha calendar and count how many dayz it iz til Monday.
Now me must go look at tha calendar and count how many dayz it iz til Monday.
Monday, August 10, 2009
There is no place like home.
We is back from being camping dogz and pampered poochez at tha doggy B&B and me can tell you for a dog gone fact, there iz no place like home!!!! Don’t get me wrong, me and Bugz had a big ole time playing with cuzin Hank and going for lotz and lotz of walkz in the woodz. There iz a down side to being camping dogz and that iz having to be tied up when we wazn’t going for walkz. See it’z like thiz, in public camp groundz tha rulez is that all dogz has to be tied up or on a leash no more than 6 feet. When me and Bugz goez camping in tha woodz we don’t get tied up. Nope then we iz camping dogz 1st class!
Anyway, we got to chaze lotz of them black squirrelz and little chipmunkz but we never did get to catch none of them. Who know something so little could be so fast. Them squirrelz would run up tha treez and then turn a round and chatter at me and Bugz. Sometimez themz even stuck out their little squirrel tonguez at uz. If me an Bugz could have caught one of them critterz it would have been tha end of them mocking uz, that iz for sure!!! Bugz had tha bestest time cause him found some stinky ole poop to role in. Mommy didn’t realize himz had done thiz and got poop on her handsz tying to pet him. Everybody in our camp thought thiz waz pretty funny, even Mommy. Me thinkz Bugz was a little bit embarrazzed about it.
After camping with our peoplez for 3 days we got taken to the doggy b&b. Don’t get me wrong it iz a really nice place to stay if you have to be separated from your human family but it aint home. We had our own room, yep you read right, our own room, complete with a sofa for me and a big chair for Bugz, a TV, rugz and toyz. The b&b iz much better than going to tha kennel but it sure aint home. We thought for sure we had been abandoned when Mommy and Daddy didn’t come get uz right away. We waited and waited and waited for them to come back but it took them 5 dayz to find themz way back to where they had left uz. Me thinkz themz waz losted in tha woodz and didn’t have uz to help them find themz way out.
Me and Bugz waz really sad and moped around and didn’t eat but then all of a sudden we heard a familiar sound…….tha sound of Daddy’z truck az it pulled into that driveway. We waz outside in tha play yard when we heard it and boy did we get excited! When the nice lady let uz in tha back door and we heard Mommy’z voice it waz all we could do to keep from knocking her over. Me had planned on being pouty and pretending me didn’t care that she waz back but me couldn’t do it. Me waz so happy, me jumped way up off the ground 3 timez and up into Mommy’z face and kissed her right on tha mouth. When her opened the door to let uz out we went straight to tha truck and jumped in so we wouldn’t get lefted again. Tha whole way home me and Bugz tried to lay our headz on her shoulder so we could kiss her. Herz waz laughing at uz and our anticz.
This boxer dog iz here to tell you that we iz glad to back in our comfy houze with our own furniture and TV and Mommy and Daddy. There iz really no place like home.
Anyway, we got to chaze lotz of them black squirrelz and little chipmunkz but we never did get to catch none of them. Who know something so little could be so fast. Them squirrelz would run up tha treez and then turn a round and chatter at me and Bugz. Sometimez themz even stuck out their little squirrel tonguez at uz. If me an Bugz could have caught one of them critterz it would have been tha end of them mocking uz, that iz for sure!!! Bugz had tha bestest time cause him found some stinky ole poop to role in. Mommy didn’t realize himz had done thiz and got poop on her handsz tying to pet him. Everybody in our camp thought thiz waz pretty funny, even Mommy. Me thinkz Bugz was a little bit embarrazzed about it.
After camping with our peoplez for 3 days we got taken to the doggy b&b. Don’t get me wrong it iz a really nice place to stay if you have to be separated from your human family but it aint home. We had our own room, yep you read right, our own room, complete with a sofa for me and a big chair for Bugz, a TV, rugz and toyz. The b&b iz much better than going to tha kennel but it sure aint home. We thought for sure we had been abandoned when Mommy and Daddy didn’t come get uz right away. We waited and waited and waited for them to come back but it took them 5 dayz to find themz way back to where they had left uz. Me thinkz themz waz losted in tha woodz and didn’t have uz to help them find themz way out.
Me and Bugz waz really sad and moped around and didn’t eat but then all of a sudden we heard a familiar sound…….tha sound of Daddy’z truck az it pulled into that driveway. We waz outside in tha play yard when we heard it and boy did we get excited! When the nice lady let uz in tha back door and we heard Mommy’z voice it waz all we could do to keep from knocking her over. Me had planned on being pouty and pretending me didn’t care that she waz back but me couldn’t do it. Me waz so happy, me jumped way up off the ground 3 timez and up into Mommy’z face and kissed her right on tha mouth. When her opened the door to let uz out we went straight to tha truck and jumped in so we wouldn’t get lefted again. Tha whole way home me and Bugz tried to lay our headz on her shoulder so we could kiss her. Herz waz laughing at uz and our anticz.
This boxer dog iz here to tell you that we iz glad to back in our comfy houze with our own furniture and TV and Mommy and Daddy. There iz really no place like home.
Monday, July 27, 2009
We Is Going To Camping Dogz
That'z what Mommy and Daddy keep saying. We iz going to be camping dogz starting Saturday for 4 dayz. This iz tha good newz. Tha bad newz is that after them 4 dayz me and Bugz will be sent to tha Doggy Bed and Breakfast for 5 dayz. Ebery year at thiz time we all goez camping in that mountainz with our friendz and ebery year me and Bugz getz packed off to the Doggy B&B for 5 dayz. We izn't sure why either. Mommy sayz that itz because on day 5 there iz no dogz allowed for tha spiritual retreat themz iz on. Now we izn't sure what a "spiritual retreat" iz but we iz pretty darn sure we would enjoy it. There iz nothing more spiritual than a dog!
Anyway, tha whole household iz upside down cauze Mommy iz making listz, putting thingz in pilez, packing suitcasez and loading stuff in tha RV including our toyz and food. Her sayz that when you iz going to be camping in tha mountainz for a week you needz everything including a kitchen sink.
Anyway, tha whole household iz upside down cauze Mommy iz making listz, putting thingz in pilez, packing suitcasez and loading stuff in tha RV including our toyz and food. Her sayz that when you iz going to be camping in tha mountainz for a week you needz everything including a kitchen sink.
Monday, July 20, 2009
A buzy summer
My goodness but me hadn't realize how long it haz been since I convinced Mommy to write about me misadventures.Me and Bugz has been camping twice this summer and iz getting ready for our 3rd camping trip.
The first camping trip waz pretty uneventful. We went to Boyd Lake State Park. The name should say it all. We waz tied up the whole time cauze it waz a state park. Thiz iz not camping if you ask me. Auntie Margaret, Uncle John and Hank went too. Beside being tied up we waz rained on tha whole weekend. We did get to go for a nice long walk on Sunday but it didn't make up for tha rest of tha time being tied up. Not a good camping weekend at all.
We went camping at our favorite place the weekend before thiz pazt one. Now that waz camping!!! We waz real camping dogz, no leashes or being tied up. In fact we had tha bestest adventure with Daddy on tha first evening there. Daddy took me and Bugz for a walk in tha woodz and himz got himz self losted. Yep, himz was losted in tha woods. Me and Bugz wazn't losted, we knew where we waz. We waz in tha woodz with Daddy. Daddy waz a little scared but then himz heard tha creek and himz was smart and followed tha creek back to our campsite. Now here iz tha thing, if himz had asked uz to take himz home we would have, but himz never asked. See me told you we waz never lost. We just thought Daddy waz taking a really long walk.
Then on Saturday morning me and Bugz suddenly became "HUNTING DOGZ". Yep you read it right. Me and Bugz was having morning coffee with our folkz, themz was having coffee and we waz laying there with them. All of a sudden out of no where comez this great big, huge mule deer. Well me and Bugz couldn't stand it and off we goez after that deer. Mommy and Daddy waz not happy at all. We chazed that deer for what seemed like milez and we both thought we waz going to catch it too. We didn't know how fazt them deerz waz. Our peoplez was worried when we took off after tha deer. Themz thought we would not be able to find our way back and would get losted in tha woods. DUH, we iz dogs.....we know how to follow our nozez home. Silly people.
Now we iz planning for our 4 day camping trip in tha mountainz and then 5 dayz at tha doggie B&B. Now me knowz our peoplez is trying to do right by me and Bugz but tha truth iz we really don't want to go to the doggie B&B we wantz to spend tha whole time camping. We would be good, really we would.
The first camping trip waz pretty uneventful. We went to Boyd Lake State Park. The name should say it all. We waz tied up the whole time cauze it waz a state park. Thiz iz not camping if you ask me. Auntie Margaret, Uncle John and Hank went too. Beside being tied up we waz rained on tha whole weekend. We did get to go for a nice long walk on Sunday but it didn't make up for tha rest of tha time being tied up. Not a good camping weekend at all.
We went camping at our favorite place the weekend before thiz pazt one. Now that waz camping!!! We waz real camping dogz, no leashes or being tied up. In fact we had tha bestest adventure with Daddy on tha first evening there. Daddy took me and Bugz for a walk in tha woodz and himz got himz self losted. Yep, himz was losted in tha woods. Me and Bugz wazn't losted, we knew where we waz. We waz in tha woodz with Daddy. Daddy waz a little scared but then himz heard tha creek and himz was smart and followed tha creek back to our campsite. Now here iz tha thing, if himz had asked uz to take himz home we would have, but himz never asked. See me told you we waz never lost. We just thought Daddy waz taking a really long walk.
Then on Saturday morning me and Bugz suddenly became "HUNTING DOGZ". Yep you read it right. Me and Bugz was having morning coffee with our folkz, themz was having coffee and we waz laying there with them. All of a sudden out of no where comez this great big, huge mule deer. Well me and Bugz couldn't stand it and off we goez after that deer. Mommy and Daddy waz not happy at all. We chazed that deer for what seemed like milez and we both thought we waz going to catch it too. We didn't know how fazt them deerz waz. Our peoplez was worried when we took off after tha deer. Themz thought we would not be able to find our way back and would get losted in tha woods. DUH, we iz dogs.....we know how to follow our nozez home. Silly people.
Now we iz planning for our 4 day camping trip in tha mountainz and then 5 dayz at tha doggie B&B. Now me knowz our peoplez is trying to do right by me and Bugz but tha truth iz we really don't want to go to the doggie B&B we wantz to spend tha whole time camping. We would be good, really we would.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Me IS a hunting dog!
Boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! Me did it today!!!! Me caught a squirrel today. Yep, me Murphy tha boxer pup caught meself a squirrel in me own back yard. It was sort of already dying but me got it!!!! See this iz what happened.
Me waz just hangin out in me back yard w/all tha snow and all of a sudden me spotted it. A grey fuzzy thing waz laying on tha ground sort of flopping around. Being tha naturally curiouz boxer me iz, of course me trotted right ober there to see what it was. Me can't tell you how surprised me waz to see that squirrel. Thiz iz tha same ole squirrel that would race up and down tha fence tormenting me and Bugz, and here it waz on tha ground at me mercy. Me thought about it for a boxer second and decided me would teach that ole squirrel a lesson about teazing me and Bugz. Me snatched it up and then dropped it cauze about that time Mommy and spotted all ob tha activity in tha back yard.
Mommy came running outside barefoot in tha snow calling me. Well me waz too caught up in tha excitment ob teaching tha squirrel a lesson to pay attention to her and tha commandz herz was giving me. Her said "MURPHY, Leave it" and me couldn't. Then "MURPHY, drop it" and me did but me picked it right back up again. Then herz tried "MURPY lets go for a ride". Well thiz iz a sure fire way to get me to come to her so me dropped tha squirrel and started towardz her but then me wanted to take the squirrel for a ride too. So Mommy tried "DROP IT" and "MURPHY, letz go for a walk". And me dropped tha squirrel and started for her again but again, me wanted to take the squirrel with me.
Then, Bugz and Daddy heard all tha commotion and wanted to come out to see what waz happening. Mommy saw Bugz and told Daddy to crate him so himz wouldn't try to take the squirrel from me and start a fight. In tha mean time herz knew herz had to do something to break me fixation on tha squirrel. Herz, being the smart human herz iz, grabbed the pooper scooper thingy and banged it against tha grill. Tha noize waz so loud it made me look up and jump. Herz did it again and called me "MURPY, COME" and me obeyed and trotted right in tha house and Daddy put me im me crate.
It waz a trick so themz could take that ole squirrel ,who waz now completely dead, and throw it away. That wazn't berry fair me doezn't think. It waz me squirrel and themz took it and threw it away, all becauze themz was afraid I would eat it or bring it in tha houze. Mommy sayz cauze it waz already almost dead, herz waz afraid it might have been poizoned or sick and herz didn't want that to happen to me. Okay so maybe herz waz right but me iz still offically a hunting dog now cauze me caught it eben if it waz already almost deat.
And thatz my story.
Me waz just hangin out in me back yard w/all tha snow and all of a sudden me spotted it. A grey fuzzy thing waz laying on tha ground sort of flopping around. Being tha naturally curiouz boxer me iz, of course me trotted right ober there to see what it was. Me can't tell you how surprised me waz to see that squirrel. Thiz iz tha same ole squirrel that would race up and down tha fence tormenting me and Bugz, and here it waz on tha ground at me mercy. Me thought about it for a boxer second and decided me would teach that ole squirrel a lesson about teazing me and Bugz. Me snatched it up and then dropped it cauze about that time Mommy and spotted all ob tha activity in tha back yard.
Mommy came running outside barefoot in tha snow calling me. Well me waz too caught up in tha excitment ob teaching tha squirrel a lesson to pay attention to her and tha commandz herz was giving me. Her said "MURPHY, Leave it" and me couldn't. Then "MURPHY, drop it" and me did but me picked it right back up again. Then herz tried "MURPY lets go for a ride". Well thiz iz a sure fire way to get me to come to her so me dropped tha squirrel and started towardz her but then me wanted to take the squirrel for a ride too. So Mommy tried "DROP IT" and "MURPHY, letz go for a walk". And me dropped tha squirrel and started for her again but again, me wanted to take the squirrel with me.
Then, Bugz and Daddy heard all tha commotion and wanted to come out to see what waz happening. Mommy saw Bugz and told Daddy to crate him so himz wouldn't try to take the squirrel from me and start a fight. In tha mean time herz knew herz had to do something to break me fixation on tha squirrel. Herz, being the smart human herz iz, grabbed the pooper scooper thingy and banged it against tha grill. Tha noize waz so loud it made me look up and jump. Herz did it again and called me "MURPY, COME" and me obeyed and trotted right in tha house and Daddy put me im me crate.
It waz a trick so themz could take that ole squirrel ,who waz now completely dead, and throw it away. That wazn't berry fair me doezn't think. It waz me squirrel and themz took it and threw it away, all becauze themz was afraid I would eat it or bring it in tha houze. Mommy sayz cauze it waz already almost dead, herz waz afraid it might have been poizoned or sick and herz didn't want that to happen to me. Okay so maybe herz waz right but me iz still offically a hunting dog now cauze me caught it eben if it waz already almost deat.
And thatz my story.
Monday, March 23, 2009
pocket water bowls
It waz such a beautiful weekend that our peoplez took us for walkz both dayz! This waz a really good thing except me thought me waz going to drop from exhauztion on Saturday. See we hadn't done much walking ober tha winter and so me waz really out of shape. Daddy took us for a longer walk than usual and wore me little boxer butt out. Me waz so tired that instead of sitting at the curb before crossing me laid down. To say me little butt waz draggin iz putting it mildly. Mommy cautioned Daddy to take it slow and let me build up me stamina, what ever that iz, cauze me can't tell him when me haz had enough.
Sunday Daddy tooked Bugz for a nice long walk and me and Mommy went for a nice little walk that waz good for juzt us two. We waz gone only about a half hour and we waz both tired, not az tired az Saturday but a nice pleasant tired. Bugz on tha other hand waz plumb tuckered out when himz got back from himz walk with Daddy. Themz had been gone a couple hourz and himz waz a really thirsty pup. Daddy tried to offer himz water from tha water bottle but Bugz wouldn't drink.
This little problem needed a solution, the kind only our peoplez could solve. Themz went to tha pet store and found little foldup and put in your pocket, canvaz water bowlz for us. Mine iz a really cute striped one and Bugz is red. Mommy and Daddy put water in them to show us what them iz for. I drank out of both them little bowlz but Bugz being the OC dog himz iz didn't take but a little sip out of himz bowl. Me iz so glad we have smart people az our human parentz!!!
OH yeah, we got a new toy too. One of them thingz that throwz tha little tennis ball really far and we going running like crazy after tha ball to bring it back. We iz going to go to tha ball field now and play fetch.
Sunday Daddy tooked Bugz for a nice long walk and me and Mommy went for a nice little walk that waz good for juzt us two. We waz gone only about a half hour and we waz both tired, not az tired az Saturday but a nice pleasant tired. Bugz on tha other hand waz plumb tuckered out when himz got back from himz walk with Daddy. Themz had been gone a couple hourz and himz waz a really thirsty pup. Daddy tried to offer himz water from tha water bottle but Bugz wouldn't drink.
This little problem needed a solution, the kind only our peoplez could solve. Themz went to tha pet store and found little foldup and put in your pocket, canvaz water bowlz for us. Mine iz a really cute striped one and Bugz is red. Mommy and Daddy put water in them to show us what them iz for. I drank out of both them little bowlz but Bugz being the OC dog himz iz didn't take but a little sip out of himz bowl. Me iz so glad we have smart people az our human parentz!!!
OH yeah, we got a new toy too. One of them thingz that throwz tha little tennis ball really far and we going running like crazy after tha ball to bring it back. We iz going to go to tha ball field now and play fetch.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Deck o Cards
We had a lovely dinner party last night with Auntie Margaret, Hank and Auntie Margaret's friend John. It waz lovely cauze me and the boyz gotz to lay in tha living room with tha peoplez and be social. Then being the good boyz all three of uz iz, we laid on tha rug in tha living room while the peoplez had dinner.
After dinner the peoplez decided to play cardz. Thatz when thiz little boxer pup realize himz didn't like the sound of cardz being shuffled. Mostly it waz cauze me had never heard a deck of cardz being shuffled before and it upsetted me. Tha ole silly Auntie waz shuffling cardz and me sat up looking really interested in the whol operation. Hers couldn't leave well enough alone, nope not Auntie, herz had to push tha envelope and shuffle them thingz in me boxer face. You know what comez next right? Me tried to grab them cardz from her handz with me toothz. Me didn't get them and Mommy made me come on the other side of her chair away from Auntie.
Then is waz Mommy'z turn to shuffle them cardz. Herz didn't shuffle them in me face but the offending sound made me go after them cardz in Mommy'z hand. NOT A GOOD THING TO DO!!!! Me little tooth scrapped Mommy's finger az me tried to grab them cardz from her hand. Boy waz her mad at me!!! She made me lay down beside her and herz fussed at me for being a silly dog. Then John waz going to shuffle cardz cauze it waz himz turn and me waz starting to show interest again at going for tha cardz. (notice Mommy pays attention to me signals) Soooo, because Auntie don't know when to leave me along and not antagonize me, me and tha boyz got sent to ta den and had tha gate put up to keep uz there.
Me sure wishez Auntie would learn that me iz not Hank, who is a very easy going Lab, and learn me iz a very reactive type dog who don't like to be teazed. Ebery time she cauze me to be bad her excuze is me can do that with Hank, or herz hazn't learned to read my body language or signz. What iz her blind???
The Murphday boy
After dinner the peoplez decided to play cardz. Thatz when thiz little boxer pup realize himz didn't like the sound of cardz being shuffled. Mostly it waz cauze me had never heard a deck of cardz being shuffled before and it upsetted me. Tha ole silly Auntie waz shuffling cardz and me sat up looking really interested in the whol operation. Hers couldn't leave well enough alone, nope not Auntie, herz had to push tha envelope and shuffle them thingz in me boxer face. You know what comez next right? Me tried to grab them cardz from her handz with me toothz. Me didn't get them and Mommy made me come on the other side of her chair away from Auntie.
Then is waz Mommy'z turn to shuffle them cardz. Herz didn't shuffle them in me face but the offending sound made me go after them cardz in Mommy'z hand. NOT A GOOD THING TO DO!!!! Me little tooth scrapped Mommy's finger az me tried to grab them cardz from her hand. Boy waz her mad at me!!! She made me lay down beside her and herz fussed at me for being a silly dog. Then John waz going to shuffle cardz cauze it waz himz turn and me waz starting to show interest again at going for tha cardz. (notice Mommy pays attention to me signals) Soooo, because Auntie don't know when to leave me along and not antagonize me, me and tha boyz got sent to ta den and had tha gate put up to keep uz there.
Me sure wishez Auntie would learn that me iz not Hank, who is a very easy going Lab, and learn me iz a very reactive type dog who don't like to be teazed. Ebery time she cauze me to be bad her excuze is me can do that with Hank, or herz hazn't learned to read my body language or signz. What iz her blind???
The Murphday boy
It's ME 4th Murphday!!!!
It's me Murphday and look at tha email that dogster sent to me. Now if Mommy and Daddy rememberz tha Chezzeburgerz and ice cream me will be a happy dog.


Dear Murphy,
Woof woof!
We want to wish you a very Happy Birthday full of love and joy and tail wagging. We are thrilled to be able to celebrate it with you!
Murphy will be profiled today with other birthday doggies on Dogster's special Birthday Stroll.
Since it's your birthday we want to give you something special, so we have given you 25 Dogster bones and one vote of 5 Paws! Dogster loves you!
Your Friends at Dogster
Friday, February 13, 2009
Aventures on a snowy night
It was a dark and snowy night Tuesday nighe when me and Bugs made the great escape of 2009. Daddy had been unloading the truck and bringing wheelbarrow loadz of brickz around to tha back yard. When himz finished emptying tha truck, himz put away tha wheelbarrow and came inside BUT himz forgot to close and lock tha back gate. And thatz where himz made himz big, big mistake!!!! Daddy took tha block out of tha doggie door so we boyz could go outside and thatz when tha great adbenture began.
We waz all sitting in tha den watching TB, well Mommy and Daddy waz, we waz sitting in our cratez. Daddy gave us the “free” command and boy himz had no idea what that waz going to mean. Me and Bugz went outside to go potty and thatz when we noticed tha gate waz open. Bugz stucked himz nose out the gate door and waz off with me hot on himz heelz. Me waz trying me best to get himz to stop and come home but tha farther himz trotted down tha street, the sweet freedom smelled. Next thing me knew we waz running to the end of our street and there was a really nice lady walking by so we decided the polite thing to do waz follow her to be sure herz got home safely.
The only problem with thiz grand plan waz Mommy and Daddy didn’t know we waz gone or where we had gone. In fact if it hadn’t been for that stinky kitty Lily Pantz themz probably wouldn’t have realize we waz gone for a long time. Mommy realized something was wrong when Lily Pantz sauntered into tha den. Hers never ever comez into tha den if herz thinkz we iz in there, yet here she waz. Mommy got up and looked out in tha back yard and no dogz. When Mommy sounded the alarm Daddy realized himz had forgotten to cloze and lock tha back gate. Me betz Mommy was not berry happy to hear that. Herz grabbed her coat and shoes and so did Daddy and themz took off in different directionz looking for us. Themz waz calling “MURPHY”, “BUGZ”
While Mommy and Daddy waz wandering around in tha snow storm, me and Bugz was toasty warm in the nice lady’z garage. Her had taken uz inside so herz could read tha information on Bugz tag. Me had lost mine last year and Mommy hadn’t replaced it yet. Bugz waz so happy to have made a new friend himz was wiggling and jiggling all over and it waz hard for tha nice lady to get the phone number off himz tag but herz managed and called Daddy. Well of course Daddy didn’t have himz phone with him so herz lefted a voice message and began to take us back home. We walked beside her like the good boyz we iz.
In tha mean time Daddy had gone home to get himz truck to ride around looking for us. Mommy waz still walking all ober tha place looking and calling for us. Herz said she imagined all sortz of horrible thingz happening to her boyz, hit by a car, picked up by a stranger, lost all night out in tha cold and snow fighting off coyotez, scaring some poor person who didn’t know we waz friendly. She even went down tha dark path leading to tha lake by herself looking for uz. Mommy finally decided to go get her truck too and to leave tha garage door open just in case we found our way home. Daddy had made a couple pazzez when himz came upon the nice lady and himz boys heading for home. Himz was glad to see us and us him and himz put us in tha truck and thanked tha nice lady. And brought us home to a very happy and relieved Mommy. As for us boyz, we was worn out from our great adventure and settled in on our sofa for a nap.
Alls well that ends well me alwayz sayz
We waz all sitting in tha den watching TB, well Mommy and Daddy waz, we waz sitting in our cratez. Daddy gave us the “free” command and boy himz had no idea what that waz going to mean. Me and Bugz went outside to go potty and thatz when we noticed tha gate waz open. Bugz stucked himz nose out the gate door and waz off with me hot on himz heelz. Me waz trying me best to get himz to stop and come home but tha farther himz trotted down tha street, the sweet freedom smelled. Next thing me knew we waz running to the end of our street and there was a really nice lady walking by so we decided the polite thing to do waz follow her to be sure herz got home safely.
The only problem with thiz grand plan waz Mommy and Daddy didn’t know we waz gone or where we had gone. In fact if it hadn’t been for that stinky kitty Lily Pantz themz probably wouldn’t have realize we waz gone for a long time. Mommy realized something was wrong when Lily Pantz sauntered into tha den. Hers never ever comez into tha den if herz thinkz we iz in there, yet here she waz. Mommy got up and looked out in tha back yard and no dogz. When Mommy sounded the alarm Daddy realized himz had forgotten to cloze and lock tha back gate. Me betz Mommy was not berry happy to hear that. Herz grabbed her coat and shoes and so did Daddy and themz took off in different directionz looking for us. Themz waz calling “MURPHY”, “BUGZ”
While Mommy and Daddy waz wandering around in tha snow storm, me and Bugz was toasty warm in the nice lady’z garage. Her had taken uz inside so herz could read tha information on Bugz tag. Me had lost mine last year and Mommy hadn’t replaced it yet. Bugz waz so happy to have made a new friend himz was wiggling and jiggling all over and it waz hard for tha nice lady to get the phone number off himz tag but herz managed and called Daddy. Well of course Daddy didn’t have himz phone with him so herz lefted a voice message and began to take us back home. We walked beside her like the good boyz we iz.
In tha mean time Daddy had gone home to get himz truck to ride around looking for us. Mommy waz still walking all ober tha place looking and calling for us. Herz said she imagined all sortz of horrible thingz happening to her boyz, hit by a car, picked up by a stranger, lost all night out in tha cold and snow fighting off coyotez, scaring some poor person who didn’t know we waz friendly. She even went down tha dark path leading to tha lake by herself looking for uz. Mommy finally decided to go get her truck too and to leave tha garage door open just in case we found our way home. Daddy had made a couple pazzez when himz came upon the nice lady and himz boys heading for home. Himz was glad to see us and us him and himz put us in tha truck and thanked tha nice lady. And brought us home to a very happy and relieved Mommy. As for us boyz, we was worn out from our great adventure and settled in on our sofa for a nap.
Alls well that ends well me alwayz sayz
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Me tricked Bugs
Last night me tricked Bugz off of tha seat beside Mommy so me could get up beside her. How do you ask?? Well..........
See it waz like thiz. All ebening, Bugz and Hank had been hogging the spot beside Mommy and not letting me get in me rightful place (beside Mommy). When Hank went home with Auntie Margert me thought me would finally be able to curl up beside Mommy but nooooooo Bugz had climb back up beside her once again. Me went ober to the doggie sofa (yep me and Bugz haz our own sofa) and looked at Mommy and started to whine.
Now Mommy can't stand to hear me whine cauze it'z not like a normal dog whine, it'z more like a deep breathy sound that herz findz most annoying. Her kept telling me to hush and wait me turn. Well me had been waiting me turn all ebening and that iz why me waz whining.
Finally me came up with a most brilliant idea from thiz boxer brain. Me got up off of tha doggie sofa and went up the stepz to tha kitchen and stood there looking back at Mommy and Bugz. And me whined and whined and looked at the doggie door. That'z all it took to pique (did you like that big work for a boxer?) Bugz interest. Himz got off tha sofa and came running up tha stairz. That waz the moment me waz waiting for. Az Bugz came up the stairz me pazzed him going back down the stairz and got on the sofa beside Mommy. Me master boxer plan had worked!!!! Me had me spot back Bugz waz on the doggie sofa where himz belonged.
Murphy (with the light bulb going off ober his head)
See it waz like thiz. All ebening, Bugz and Hank had been hogging the spot beside Mommy and not letting me get in me rightful place (beside Mommy). When Hank went home with Auntie Margert me thought me would finally be able to curl up beside Mommy but nooooooo Bugz had climb back up beside her once again. Me went ober to the doggie sofa (yep me and Bugz haz our own sofa) and looked at Mommy and started to whine.
Now Mommy can't stand to hear me whine cauze it'z not like a normal dog whine, it'z more like a deep breathy sound that herz findz most annoying. Her kept telling me to hush and wait me turn. Well me had been waiting me turn all ebening and that iz why me waz whining.
Finally me came up with a most brilliant idea from thiz boxer brain. Me got up off of tha doggie sofa and went up the stepz to tha kitchen and stood there looking back at Mommy and Bugz. And me whined and whined and looked at the doggie door. That'z all it took to pique (did you like that big work for a boxer?) Bugz interest. Himz got off tha sofa and came running up tha stairz. That waz the moment me waz waiting for. Az Bugz came up the stairz me pazzed him going back down the stairz and got on the sofa beside Mommy. Me master boxer plan had worked!!!! Me had me spot back Bugz waz on the doggie sofa where himz belonged.
Murphy (with the light bulb going off ober his head)
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
We have company with uz for tha next several dayz. Couzin Hank iz staying with us while himz Mommy, Auntie Margaret and her beau iz in New Orleans, and Destin FL. Thiz iz going to be like ole timez having Hank here. Let tha partying beginz!!! Oopz better not let Mommy and Daddy know we iz planning to party.
Friday, January 02, 2009
It's me job
As the good boxer me iz, it'z become me job to wake Mommy in the morning during the week. It was a bit confuzing last week cauze herz was on bacation but me figgered it out. See when the alarm goez off at 5:15 in tha morning, me barkz at Mommy to be sure she knowz itz time to get up and then me goez back to bed until Daddy getz me and Bugz breakfast ready. If tha alarm doezn't go off then we all sleepz in until at least 7:30, that iz if me and Bugz can stand it which iz only on tha weekendz usually.
Yesterday morning waz New Yearz day and eben though it waz a week day we all slept in. Tha only problem waz that Mommy waz sick with a cold so herz waz in the spare room with tha door shut. When Mommy iz sick me job becomez guarding her and making sure nobody botherz her. Thiz can be a problem sometimez. Like for instance yesterday morning. See me waz laying outside tha door cauze me waz worried to death about her being sick and me had to be sure nobody bothered her. Daddy came out of tha bedroom and wanted me to move out of himz way but me wanted to guard Mommy so me snapped at Daddy. Well me didn't mean anything personal by it, but me didn't want anyone to bother Mommy.
It seemz me defeated the purpose by cauzing thiz commotion. Mommy got up to see what waz going on and fussed at me for doing me job. She said I shouldn't take my job so seriously all of tha time. Then Daddy wouldn't talk to me all day either cauze himz waz not happy with me doing me job. Me sure haz a hard time figgering out how to do me job and keep everybody happy. All me wanted to do waz guard Mommy so herz could rest and instead me getz in trouble for doing me self impozed job.
Life can sure be hard when you iz a working boy. Guezz me needz to go check the Boxer Union Rule Book to see what it sayz about jobz and how themz should be handled so az not to upset the humanz
Yesterday morning waz New Yearz day and eben though it waz a week day we all slept in. Tha only problem waz that Mommy waz sick with a cold so herz waz in the spare room with tha door shut. When Mommy iz sick me job becomez guarding her and making sure nobody botherz her. Thiz can be a problem sometimez. Like for instance yesterday morning. See me waz laying outside tha door cauze me waz worried to death about her being sick and me had to be sure nobody bothered her. Daddy came out of tha bedroom and wanted me to move out of himz way but me wanted to guard Mommy so me snapped at Daddy. Well me didn't mean anything personal by it, but me didn't want anyone to bother Mommy.
It seemz me defeated the purpose by cauzing thiz commotion. Mommy got up to see what waz going on and fussed at me for doing me job. She said I shouldn't take my job so seriously all of tha time. Then Daddy wouldn't talk to me all day either cauze himz waz not happy with me doing me job. Me sure haz a hard time figgering out how to do me job and keep everybody happy. All me wanted to do waz guard Mommy so herz could rest and instead me getz in trouble for doing me self impozed job.
Life can sure be hard when you iz a working boy. Guezz me needz to go check the Boxer Union Rule Book to see what it sayz about jobz and how themz should be handled so az not to upset the humanz
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