Thursday, April 27, 2006
New Toys
Mommy was very, very pleased with how good me was while we was in Petco. See the last time hers had taken me there, me was a tiny bit unruly and did things me shouldn't have done like marking the toy aisle. This time though, me was very well behaved (darned ole training). We wented into the store and me was very excited but right away Mommy made me pay attention to her. When we went to the toy aisle hers made me sit and then lay down while hers looked at the toys. Then when we went to the check out counter hers again made me sit and then lay down while hers paid for me toys. Me was really good while the boy at the check out counter petted me. By the way Baywee, if you is reading this you is getting cheated. Mommy doesn't make me pay for me toys like your Mommy does. You needs to hide your piggy bank so hers had to pay for your new toys with her money. Mommy was so very proud of me that hers came home and bragged to Daddy at how good me was.
Then it happened. We played with the balls and had a really big time but Daddy was a tiny bit skeptical about me having them balls cause hims thought me would eat them. Mommy said that me wouldn't do that and the smaller ones was really tought. Well you guessed ate one of the little yellow tennis balls and that's when me thinks Mommy figgered out that me had probably eaten the one hers had been looking for all week. Me couldn't help it......Mommy knows me is an aggressive chewer and me hasn't eaten or chewed up any of her shoes or tha furniture so hers needs to give her little boxer boy a break. Mommy tooked the other 3 balls and put them up and said me could only have them if hers was playing fetch with me. Grrrrr this is not fair at all. If thems is me toys then me should be able to eat them if me wants to.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Yesterday Hail, Today Snow
Mommy says this is Spring Time in the Rockies. Me isn't sure what her means but it sure is cornfusing. Last night there was a Hail Storm.
Me doesn't know if you can make it out or not but that is balls of hail out there on tha street.
This is very cornfusing cause this stuff looks like snow but it makes a lot of noise and snow don't make no noise. Me thinks me needs to go outside and investigate this stuff.
This is some really strange stuff. It's cold like snow but it sure isn't soft like snow. It hurts when it's falling from the sky and lands on me. Me doesn't think me likes hail to much.
This is what me back yard looked like after the hail. Lots of balls of hail. Mommy says its frozen balls of rain. This is very nice but it hurts and me doesn't like it.
Murphy who really doesn't like hail
Sunday, April 23, 2006
This has been some weekend!!!!
Then hers gaved to me a cute teeny, tiny Monkey to play with. Now isn’t that monkey just the cutest thing. Look at how me is giving it a boxer hug. There was only one little bitty problem. Me chewed it’s head off on Sunday morning and Mommy had to go pick up its stuffings in the yard before Daddy could mow.
After all these new toys, me came back inside to play with Daddy. Mommy tooked some pictures of me and Daddy playing. This will give you an idea of how me managed to make Daddy’s chair flip over. See this is what happens, Daddy will say “Murphy come here” and me jumps off the floor and lands square on hims chest and that’s what will flip hims chair over we found out.
Me didn't flip Daddy out of hims chair this time. And as you can see, me is still a teeny tiny lap puppy.
Today we did some yard work. Well actually Mommy and Daddy did tha yard work and me watched and laughed at them, just like Baywee says you have to do. Mommy went around and scooped strategically placed poop so Daddy could mow. Me doesn't think that Mommy and Daddy appreciate how much work and thought goes into placing the poop in all the right places. If thems did thems wouldn't always be picking it up. Me did learn one valuable lesson about laughing at your peoples. Thems don’t like to be laughed at and thems put me in tha outside kennel. Thems said it was to keep me safe but me knows it was to get even for laughing at them.
Me will have to write more about this weekend cause Mommy tooked lots of pictures and hers wants to post them all. MOMMYS!!!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
My Daddy is funny
Daddy was in hims reclining chair and called me like hims usually does and me did what me usually does and that's jump into hims lap. This time instead of just sitting there and waiting for me (all 90+ lbs) to land on him, he leaned back in hims chair to brace for me landing and guess what happened. Yep, Daddy flipped over backwards in hims chair with me on top of him. Mommy was laughing so hard hers couldn't help him. Me was laughing pretty hard too cause there was Daddy laying on hims back with hims feet in the air and hims wasn't able to get out of hims chair cause it was it's back too. Daddy sure was a funny site let me tell you. Me is just glad hims wasn't hurt cause me likes to jump in hims lap.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Wet Dog
The only problem with running through spraying water is that me gets all wet and then Mommy thinks me smells like a wet dog. Now isn't that the funniest thing you ever did hear? Of course me would smell like a wet dog and her doesn't like that smell. DUH me is a wet dog. That's what happens when me runs through the spraying water, me gets wet. It wouldn't be much fun if me didn't get wet. Mommy is baffled that me likes the water so much. Hers says me isn't no water dog like a spaniel or a lab and yet there me is playing in the water.
Me wishes Mommy would hurry up and buy me a doggie swimming pool so me can play in it.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter
This has been a really lazy weekend. Mommy took off Good Friday (that's what her says the Friday before Easter is called) so hers could have a 3 day weekend. We haven't done much of anything but go for walks and just laze around the house. This is fun cause it meant me got to spend more time with Mommy and everybody knows how much me loves to spend time with Mommy. We went for lots of walks too. Right now we is watching me favoritest movie, Old Yeller. Mommy says the movie makes her cry in the end.
There was one really strange thing that happened this weekend. Friday evening all of a sudden out of the ground came water!!!! These things came right up out of the ground and sprayed water all over tha place. Me was trying to bite the things and drink the water that was being sprayed but Mommy made me come inside. Hers said that me was being silly trying to bite water that was watering the grass and that me had better get use to it cause it was going to be coming out of the ground like that 3 nights a week. Me just can't figger out how them things raises up out of the ground and spews water on tha grass. This is a mystery and one me intends to solve. When me gets the answer me will let everybody know.
Oh yeah and one other thing. Mommy and Daddy left me in the house for 4 hours and me didn't have to stay in the crate. Me was able to roam the house, well except for the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms. Mommy said me should guard the house while thems was gone and me did too. Me didn't get into any trouble either!! Maybe this means that thems will eventually leave me out of tha crate all of the times. Me sure hopes so cause it gets really boring having to sit in there even if it is nice and big and roomy. Me would rather use it as a den and take naps in there.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Mommy said all dogs are descendants of wolves from 1000’s of years ago and dogs became tamed by people cause them wanted a faithful companion. Hers says wolves has to hunt for thems dinner and thems hunts rabbits among other things. If this is true (and Mommy never tells me anything wrong) then it must be that when me sees a rabbit me thinks that me is really a wolf and wants to go catch me dinner. It’s instinct her says and me agrees cause me can’t figger out any other reason for wanting to chase them little rabbits. It’s probably a really good thing that Mommy had that leash and me is mostly trained cause me would probably have gotten lost chasing that silly rabbit and then what would me do?
Murphy aka Beagle Boy
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Mommy played a trick on me
There was a knocking on the picture window glass and there was a face looking in the window. Me stopped investigating the kitty and looked at the window and there just as big as life was a burglar in a Mommy suit!!!!! Well this was a first and me wasn't sure what to do. Should me bark really loudly like a guard dog?? Should me go hide and hope that burglar in a Mommy suit went away??? Me was scared and confused. This had never ever happened before and me didn't know what to do. There wasn't nothing about it in the Boxer Union Book in the Guard Dog Chapter.
The knocking on the window kept up and then.............the front door opened. Me is embarrassed to admit it, but me crouched down and tried to hide. Then me heard that silly Mommy laughing and saw it wasn't a burglar in a Mommy suit at all just Mommy playing a trick on me. Hers thought hers was really funny tricking me like that. Me didn't think it was very funny at all. How would her like it if a burglar in a boxer suit tried to break in and it was just me playing a trick on her??? Me bets her wouldn't like it one little bit either.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Walking after dark
There is a big difference in walking in the afternoon when there is sunlight and going for a walk after dark. Did you know there was lots of things lurking out there in the dark?? We was walking, walking, walking and there was this big shadow following us. This shadow was of a big mean fierce dog and hims was following us. And there was all of these dogs outside barking at me too. And the smells are different and the sounds are different and me couldn't see as well and it was just plain scary. Mommy thinks this is another good training tool. Grrr, hers and hers training tools. Me has had almost enough of all of this training stuff.
Then to top everything off, after we came home me got into trouble. That darn ole cat of Daddy's jumped off hims lap right in front of me boxer face and me tried to chase it. Daddy didn't like it either but what did hims think me would do??? Any self respecting boxer puppy would have tried to do the same thing. Me is sure of it. made Daddy mad and hims made me go get in me crate for some "time out" and so me could think about what me had done. Well me had already thought about what me had done, why does him thinks me did it??? A cat jumped in front of me face and me doggy instinct kicked in and me chased the cat. Silly ole darn cat, getting me in trouble like that. Grrrrrr
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Muddy feet
The reason me brings this up is because Mommy and Daddy has founded a new way to humilate me, a sweet little boxer dog.
When thems lets me out back to go do me business or just to hang out, me gets me little boxer paws muddy. Me really can't help this cause there is muddy places where me likes to go. When this first happened Mommy grabbed a towel to wipe the mud off me paws. It didn't work really well so hers came up with a really bright idea. Hers has Daddy put the leash on me and hold me while hers gets the water hose and sprays off me paws. Hers picks up each of me little paws and sprays them on the bottom and between me toes to get the mud off. This would be fun if thems would let me bite at the water coming out of the hose but noooooooo, thems makes me stand there like a good boy.
This wasn't bad enough, on top of that when Mommy took me for a walk this morning we passed a whole yard full of squeaky toy dogs. Thems was running up and down the fence line squeaking threats at me and Mommy decided to use Daddy's new trainig tool. Hers made me lay down there and let them nasty little squeaky things yip and yap at me and all me could do was just lay there and not even buff back at thems. This just doesn't seem fair at all. Me should at least be able to buff back at them when thems gets to squeaking at me. After all didn't me prove me was a good boy earlier when these peoples were walking a really tiny squeaky dog and me didn't even pay it any attention? Sometimes these going for a walk rules just don't make no sense.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Early Morning Walks
Mommy says this is the day to trick all fools. Hers can't trick me though cause me knows it's Saturday morning and that means going for a really nice walk.
We wented a new way this morning for our walk. We walked down tha sidewalk towards a really busy street that leads to tha path by tha lake but we didn't go there. We walked past lots of dogs in thems fenced in yards. Do you know that them dogs was barking and barking at me. Not all of what thems was barking was very friendly either. Them dogs wanted to know what this little boxer puppy was doing in their "hood" and thems were threatening me. Do you know that Daddy thinks it's a really good training idea to make me sit down and then lay down and let them dogs bark at me. Hims seems to think that this is furthering me education in becoming an obedient dog. Because me is a really good little boxer dog (most of tha time) me does what hims asks but it sure is silly. How would him like it if me made him lay down and listen to mean peoples call him names and threaten to beat him up?? Me bets hims wouldn't like it at all. And to make matters worse Daddy told Mommy about this wonderful "training tool" and hers is going to start using it too!!!!
After we came home from the walk there was yard work to be done and Daddy lefted the back gate open to the back yard. Yep, you guessed it. This little boxer dog decided it would be a very good idea to go exploring and me would have to but Mommy happened to come out of the garage door about the same time me came out of the back gate. Me did have a little fun and run into the neighbors yard and out a little into tha street. Mommy called me to "come" and that darn ole training kicked in. Me came to her and hers didn't even have the buzzing gadget with her to get me attention. knows me is supposed to be obidient but dog gone it, me wanted to explore.
It looks like it may rain so me is going to go snuggle up on the luv seat with Mommy and watch some Animal Planet. That's me favorite program.