Saturday, December 31, 2005
A new house for me
Here's the bad thing about this whole deal. Mommy got tha really bright idea that maybe it would be a good thing to take the old dog crate and put it in the back of her Explorer and that it would be an even better idea for me to ride in that crate when we went places. GRRRR this is not a good idea at all from a little boxers point of view. Me thought it was a very nice place to put the old crate and it would be nice to visit on occasion. Nope, that's not what hers and daddy had in mind at all. Hers tricked me at first and let me jump in and out of the crate a couple times, telling me what a good boy me is before hers shutted me in there. Them says it isn't safe for a little boxer puppy of my size to be bouncing around freely in the back of the car. And that when we go on trips it would be much safer for everyone if me is safely secured in me old crate. Hey, me thought me was to big for it??? How come me can ride in it when we go places??? This is not fair and me is very sure it is not in the Boxer Union Book. Me will check later to be sure.
Well we went for a ride in that Explorer and thems sure enough put me in tha crate and left me there when thems went into a store to do some shopping. Me guesses thems didn't think that me would like to go into tha store and shop too. Boxers need to buy things sometimes too.
Thems did take me into Petco to get Mommy a new fish and me a new bone but when we came back to the truck thems wanted me to get back in that ole crate. Me had other ideas about this whole thing. When Mommy tried to lift me front feet up, me spreaded me legs really far and twisted away from her. Me thought that would do it and thems would let me in the back seat but me didn't win. Mommy lifted me front feet into the crate and Daddy lifed me back end into the crate and there me was again. Thems says me will get used to the whole thing but me don't know.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Tha Cats in tha bag
Well about the time me thought about putting me little boxer paw on the bag to see what was in it, the bag started to move and shake all around. Now being a very smart boxer puppy (Mommy always tells me how smart me is) me knew that them plastic bags don't just move around by themselves. There was something in there and it was alive!!! Me backed up and sniffed the air to see if me could figger out what was in that bag. Buff Buff Buff (translated means MOMMY come quick theres something in here and me needs backup)
Come quick Mommy, there is something in here and it's alive. Me thinks you forgetted to take something out of there. Mommy was just laughing and asking me what was tha matter. Now that was a silly question. Couldn't hers see what was tha matter??? That ole bag was shaking and moving around and even me knows thems not suppose to do that. Me doesn't know what Mommy thinks is so funny anyway.
Me kepted smelling a smell that was really really familiar. Me couldn't quite put me little paw on it though. Me mustard up all me courage and sticked me little boxer nose in that noisy bag. Me tried not to show any fear at all as me sniffed and sniffed. And do you know what was in that ole plastic bag????
Why there was Miss PittyPat and her was just laughing and laughing at how hers and tricked me. See hers looking out the bag at me?? Now this is not a very nice thing to do to your best boxer puppy pal. Me did not think it was funny at all. Mommy thought it was a wonderful joke and was calling for Daddy to come see what Murphy had found in the bag.
Do you see what I see??? This is my kitty laughing at me!!! Well me did not think it was funny!!! How would hers like it if me did that to her??? Oh wait, now that me thinks of it me does play tricks on her sometimes. Still hers is a grown up kitty and should know better. Me is just a little boxer puppy and that is a good excuse.
Me thinks that ole kitty can just stay in her ole plastic bag. Me wouldn't care one bit and if me happens to be passing by and forgets hers is in that bag and steps on her or picks of the bag in me little mouth and carry it around to play catch with, well that would serve her right!!
Your Pal
Murphy (who thinks letting the cat out of the bag is a bad idea)
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
This does not seem fair to me
My mommy has a stuffed blue donkey just like this one that Baywee is taking a nice little nap with. That's it on top of the TV. My mommy told me that it was NOT a toy for little boxer dogs. Hers says that her two legged children gave it to her a long time ago and that it was for her and not for little boxer dogs.
Her usually keeps this blue donkey on top of her bed way up in the tall part of tha headboard so a little boxer can't get to it. Now this might seem like a very good idea to her, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. What does hers thinks me is going to do??? Tear it up like me does with all me other stuffed toys?? Why of course not!!! Me wouldn't ever do nothing like that. Me would just pull it up in me chair and snuggle up to it just like Baywee does, honest Mommy!!! Really me would just love it to pieces that's all.
Me thinks that it would be a very much better idea if hers gave it to me to cuddle up with and take naps with just like Baywee. This is not fair and me is very, very sure that in the Boxer Union Book there is something there about Mommy's needing to share all of thems stuffed toys with thems boxer puppys. Me is going to check into this. In the mean time me has to figure out how to get this blue donkey down from way up in the high place especially since me is not allowed on the grown up bed. After all if Baywee can have a blue donkey then me wants the one Mommy has.
Murphy (who wants a blue donkey too)
Sunday, December 25, 2005
We all went to the bedroom to go to sleep and wait for Christmas to get here. Me was all excited cause this was me first Christmas and me just couldn't wait for Santa to come visit our house. In fact me was so excited that me could not get to sleep at all. Mommy was a sleep and Daddy was makingthose pooh pooh sounds hims makes at night, so hims must have been asleep too. All of a sudden me heard something outside that was not supposed to be there. Up on the roof it sounded like there was something walking around. No really, me heard it!!! Me was a little scared and slunked down the stairs to tha window and looked outside. Me went "buff" "buff" really low cause me didn't want to wake Mommy up just in case it wasn't nothing out there. Me runned to tha living room and got up on tha love seat in front of tha window and looked all around. Then me saw something really, really strange. There was a man that looked just like the pictures of Santa walking on his tip toes outside. Really low I went "buff" "buff" again. Hims looked at me and putted his finger to his lips and said "shhh, Murphy, go back to bed and go to sleep"
Well what else could me do. If Santa tells me to be quiet and go to bed, then that's what me has to do, so me trotted back up them stairs and settled down by Mommy's side of the bed. Me couldn't stay there cause there was some more noise coming from up on that roof and it sounded like it was over tha spare bedroom. Me had to get up and go look again. Me crouched down and crept down tha stairs again and looked in tha den. Now it sound like something was jumping up and down on that roof and there was stuff falling down that hole in tha wall next to daddy's chair. Mommy says this is a fireplace and Santa needs it to deliever his presents. Why Santa would want to get in a place that has fire me don't know but that's what Mommy says.
Then there was an awful, terrible noise that sounded like something sliding down the hole in the wall. BAM! Something heavy hitted the bottom of the hole in tha wall and than Thud!! something else hitted the bottom of that place.
Me was trying me very best to be the brave little boxer puppy that me is. "BUFF, BUFF, WOOF, WOOF" me said and backed up from the hole in the wall. "Grrr, grrr, grrr" was about as brave as this little boxer puppy could get. What if it WAS Santa and me was barking and growling at hims. Hims might not think me is a good little puppy at the last minute and not leave me any presents. But then again, what if it was a monster???? And what if it was a monster that liked to eat little boxer puppies??? Me runned back up the stairs and darted into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom, curled up on the floor and put me paws over me eyes. Maybe if me couldn't see hims, then Santa or what ever it was couldn't see me. Me must have gone to sleep cause a little while later me hears another noise. It sounded like bells and snorting and someone saying "HO HO HO, Merry Christmas Murphy the little Boxer Puppy, Merry Christmas."
Thanks Santa for all the lovely presents. Me loves me new bed and the frisbee and the big bone and the new toy. Me is going to chew on me new toy for awhile.
Your friend
Murphy, who didn't mean to growl at you .
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Santa's been spotted
Dec 24: Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Canada — Santa has officially landed in North America, the last continent on his journey around the world. A young resident of Grand Falls spotted him while walking his dog very early this morning. “I’m positive it was him,” said the little boy. “There was a lot of fog on the mountain tops so he was flying low — I could see him perfectly! He even waved at me!”
Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas Everybody
Monday, December 19, 2005
Some very sad news
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Look What was in Me front Yard
Me went running to get Miss Pitty Pat to see if hers saw tha same things me did. When we gots back there was something else in tha front yard and it was even more scary than thems snow peoples that was singing. Now there was three little penguins out there singing. It must be magic cause them snow peoples was gone and in there place was these penguins. Well this is really a mystery to us and we need to go look out the window some more cause if we waits long enough we might see some reindeers out there singing.
Murphy who is a little stir crazy
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I'm on the GOOD LIST!!!!!!
My Kitty Miss Pitty Pat is even going to get something for christmas. Her's on Santa's nice list too. Santa says hers is much more nice than naughty and can be very thoughtful. This a true fact. Miss Pitty sometimes lets me clean her food dish and that is very thoughtful. And hers is almost always in a good mood and one of the cleanest kitties me knows of.
Murphy the very good Boxer Puppy who can't wait til Christmas
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Christmas Cards
And just in case you forgetted my list me wants:
New squeaky toys
A big beef bone, maybe 2 or 3 bones
A bed of me very own
A basket ball
A remote control car (thems is fun to chase and me and daddy could play with it together)
Me will try and come see you at Pet Smart if Mommy and Daddy will bring me. Me wants to have a picture with you like me friend Baywee.
Your bestest puppy
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Me is NOT a pony
This is how it works. Mommy puts a strap around me neck up close to me ears and fastens it. THEN hers takes this other strap and puts it around me little short, smushed up, boxer nose. This is supposed to be gentle??? Her put it on me tha first time and me laid down in tha floor and rub me boxer head on tha carpet trying to get it off. Then me pawed at me nose trying to get that ole strap off me nose. It was humilating to be lassoed around tha nose. What self respecting Boxer would stand for this???? This wasn't bad enough. Then Mommy put tha leash on the end of tha strap hanging from me nose. Me jumped up on me hind legs and pawed at me nose some more. Mommy was laughing and said me reminded her of when her horses were little and were learning how to walk with a halter. Well me is not a horse and me don't like having this thing on me nose.
Mommy said tha only way me could go for a walk was with tha halter so out tha door we went. Me pulled like with the regular leash and Mommy would tug on me nose with the "gentle leader" and pull me head back around to me shoulder and me would have to stop pulling. Then hers would let go and me would take off again. Hers would pull me head around and me would have to stop. Now me has to ask, is this gentle??? Having me head pulled around to me shoulder is better than choking against the choke chain but gentle??? After a few minutes I wasn't fighting so hard.
This morning Mommy took me out for a walk with the "gentle leader" thing on me nose and me did walker besider her like a good dog. Then this afternoon Mommy and Daddy took me for a really long walk with this thing on me and thems both said me was such a good dog and it was so pleasant to be able to talk a walk and not get pulled all over tha place. Well what is the point of taking a walk if ya can't go sniffing and pulling your peoples??? And of course me was a good dog when we walked. Me doesn't like having the pressure on me little, smushed up, boxer nose. Ok so may it does work and maybe will get use to walking with it on me nose, but me isn't going to like it.
Murphy the Boxer Puppy (not Murphy the pony.)
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
A letter to Santa
This is Murphy, the little 9 month old boxer puppy. Last night my Mommy caught me eating the hat of one of hers nutcrackers. Now me isn't sure what a nutcracker is but me found out in a hurry that it was not a good thing to eat the hat of one of them creatures. It wasn't me fault. Me has pictures to prove that Mommy showed thems nutcrackers to me. Hers never said me couldn't play with thems.

As you can tell Santa, me is only sniffing them nutcrackers and thats only cause Mommy said "Here Murphy, come look at these" Her never said me couldn't play with thems. Hers told me not to play with the stuffed ornaments on that Christmas tree, but never did her say not to play with them nutcrackers. Honest!!! Me sure wouldn't tell a lie this close to Christmas. How was me, a little boxer puppy, supposed to know it was against the rules??? It wasn't in the Boxer Union Book. Me is totally innocent
Santa please don't count this against me. Me really is a good boxer puppy and wouldn't want to do anything wrong this close to Christmans. Oh yeah and if you needs me list of what me wants for Christmas, here it is.
A new puppy bed, a dog sweater (to keep me warm when it's this cold outside), some new bones (the kind mommy gets at the grocery store) some new squeaky toys and thats all for now.
Murphy who didn't mean to eat the hat of the baker nutcracker.
PS me didn't mean to eat her left black clog just now either.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
This was not fair
Well me can't help it if me is enthusiastical when we has company for dinner. Me is just trying to be the bestes host ever!!!! How can a boxer be a good host if hims is locked up in a crate?? This is not in the Boxer Union Book, me is very certain of that!!! Me had to sit there with a bone and smell all them good smells that was coming from the kitchen. Me couldn't go into the living room to greet the company either. This is not fair.
After the company left, then Mommy let me out of the crate. Woof, me was not happy at all. But then something happened. Mommy was putting the turkey bird away and hers started throwing me pieces of meat to catch and eat. This was very, very, very good. In fact hers scrapped all the left over pieces of meat in me dog bowl for a treat. Me thinks this was her way of say hers was sorry for putting me in tha crate.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Christmas Trees
There is snow on me little nose and it's cold.
This snow don't got no smell to it but it's cold on me boxer nose.
Then Mommy took me to tha dog park to play with the other dogs in tha snow. There wasn't but two other little puppies there to play with and Mommy said me was playing to rough with them puppies. Here's the bestest part about today. Mommy broughted home a Christmas tree!!! Miss Pitty Pat say hers does this every year. Hers says that Mommy brings home a naked tree and then decorates it for Christmas. Hers also says that Santa also likes to see them decorated trees and leaves presents under the really pretty ones.
This is how them Christmas tree is decorated.
First your Mommy and Daddy has to go to tha Christmas tree place and pick out a tree. Thems looks for tha most beautiful and perfect tree thems can find. This is tha one that thems picked out. It still had snow on it when thems brought it home today. Mommy said it was not a dog toy.
Then you has to put it in a stand so it can stand up and then you puts a scarf around tha bottom of tha tree. And every good boxer will of course go over to tha tree and sniff it real good to make sure there aren't no bad things hiding in tha tree. Me thought me smelled a squirrel in there.
Mommy put some pretty lights on tha tree so you can see it in the dark. Again me has to sniff it to be sure everything is A OK. Me still smelled a squirrel but it could have been Miss Pitty Pat cause hers had been rubbing up on that tree.
Mommy put all these pretty decorations on da tree and said thems was NOT toys for boxers to play with. Humm me sees a couple of stuffed toys on that tree and everybody knows that stuffed toys are boxer toys.
Theres this one stuffed toy at the very top of tha tree that looks a little bit suspious. Miss Pitty says that this is Santa. Mommy says him is Santas helper and hims is watching us. And that is how you decorate a Christmas tree.
Murphy tha Christmas Puppy
Friday, December 02, 2005
Being an almost grown up dog has it's perks
Most of tha time when my Mommy and Daddy leave tha house for more than an hour theys put me in me crate to be sure me stays out of trouble. Me supposes this is a good thing except when Daddy comes home sometimes in tha middle of tha day and lets me out for an hour or so and then has to put me back in to go back and do more work. Me doesn't like and me knows Daddy feels bad about it but Mommy says that it's just safer for me and tha house.
Well, tonight Mommy got home and letted me out of me crate and then an hour later hers and Daddy and some friends was going to tha movies. Daddy said "Murphy, you know where you need to go". This is what hims always says when hims wants me to go into me crate so hims can go to work. Mommy said no, just leave me out and lets see what happens. Hers gave me a brand new beef soup bone (yummy) to keep me happy and thems all left for tha movies.
When thems got home they founded that me, Murphy the Boxer Dog, had not made a mess of nothin. Me had to go outside really bad but me had waited for thems to come home. And thems had been gone for over 3 hours. Mommy says me is a very good Boxer Dog and that maybe I can start staying out for longer times when thems has to leave me here alone.
Hers doesn't know that me is being extra special good cause Christmas is only 23 days away and me wants Santa to bring me lots of toys.
The almost grown up Boxer Dog
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Today is a very important day
The 2nd important thing is that there is only 24 more days until Christmas and then Santa will be here with lots and lots of presents for me. Me knows cause me has been a good boy just like me friend Baywee said to be. Me has been so good that in all the time Mommy and Daddy has had me, me has only chewed up two shoes. That's pretty good for a puppy don't ya think?? Me did chew up me bed that Mommy got me but that doesn't count cause it was mine. Me sure hopes Santa brings me lots of yummy things. Lets see, some more toys would be good for starters and then of course lots of doggie treats like bones, cheese, peanuts and anything else hims would like to leave for me. Oh yeah a new bed would be really good too. Me promises that me would chew it up. Mommy says hers is going to decorate the house for Christmas cause that's what people do. Hers says that me can help but me can't eat the decorations or play with them either.
The 3rd thing that is important that is going to happen is we is going to have a late Thanksgiving dinner and have company over to eat it with us on Sunday. Theres going to be turkey and dressing and gravy and all kinds of yummy things to eat. Mommy says me can help her get ready to entertain. Everybody knows me loves to be a host when there is a party and me is a really good host too. See this is how me makes everyone feel welcome in our house. When tha company comes to tha door me runs up and waits for Mommy or Daddy to open tha door and let tha company in. Once thems get inside tha door them me jumps on thems to lick them faces and let thems know they is welcome. Now sometimes some of tha company doesn't like it but me sure doesn't know why. Then me tries to get them to play. A good game of "wrestle the boxer" or fetch is always a good way to make tha company feel welcome. Me can hardly wait!! So much to do and so little time.
24 days and counting
Murphy the really good puppy.