Monday, March 27, 2006

A new family member

Mommy got word that hers is a grandma again. Mommy's two legged girl Tara called to tell Mommy that hers is the proud grandma of a little, itty bitty, miniature Rat Terrier named Prince Drew Caramel Beauregard. Tara is calling hims Drew. Hims is 8 weeks old and only 2# Mommy says it's a living squeaky toy but hers is real happy for Tara cause hers has been looking for a little pocket dog for some time. We haven't seen it yet but Mommy is going back to Virginia in June and will get to see her new little, teeny weeny, grandson.

Mommy cautioned Tara to watch out for Parvo with the new baby and sure enough Tara had to take that little puppy to the emergency vet Sunday night cause it was feeling bad. The vet said that little Drew didn't appear to have Parvo at the moment but was suffering from worms and infection so the vet gave little Drew some medicine and hims was feeling much better today. This is one lucky little fellow to have a Mommy who noticed the very first day that hims was sick and needed to see a doctor. Hims also got some new toys and a rhinestone collar cause hims is a prince. thinks that maybe me needs to have some words with Mommy about collars. Me is a prince and me doesn't have no rhinestone collar.

Me can not even imagine how little this puppy must be if hims only weighs 2#. Me little boxer head weighs more than that. Mommy says me would probably hurt it if me were to go visit and try to play with it. Me doesn't think this is true. After all me good pal Baywee has a little, teeny weeny brother, Frog and hers doesn't hurt it when thems play. Me would be really careful too.

This is a picture of a miniature Rat Terrier.
This one is the same color as Drew. Isn't it cute? Me bets little Drew is cuter.
When Mommy's girl Tara sends pictures of Drew we will post them here.
Uncle Murphy


Mommy finally sprung me this morning around 9:30. Me was getting a little worried cause it was getting late and hers hadn't come for me yet. What if hers had forgotted hers had a little boxer puppy? This was a really, really big concern for me cause who would take me home? The peoples at the Vets is really nice but me wouldn't want to go live with them. Me was so excited when hers showed up me forgot all the manners me had learned and jumped right up on her. Oh yeah, and me left that place with all the parts me went there with. The only thing me left behind this time was some dirt cause them gave me a bath.

Me is really, really glad to be home. Now me has to go talk to Miss Pitty cause hers has a tail of woe to tell me.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

In the Kennel

This is your friend Murphy, the little boxer puppy, writing from Bouton's Animal Hospital and Kennel. Me has been abandoned here while my Mommy and Daddy are off having fun with them friends in Estes Park.

Mommy tooked me to the Kennel on Friday. Her's didn't even warn me either just said "Murphy do you want to go for a ride?" and loaded me up in the car and drove me to the Vet's Office where her abandoned me!!!! Me thought me was going for just a friendly visit, stand on the scale and see how much me weighs and say hello to everybody there. Nope this is not what happened. The nice technician Lady had Mommy fill out the paperwork and put her leash on me and that's when me realized that something was wrong. The lady was trying to lead me into the back and Mommy was going out the front door and leaving me.

"MOMMY WAIT!!!!" "The lasted time you lefted me here I was missing parts when you came to pick me up. " Me barked at her and gave her me very bestest sad boxer puppy look. " PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" me was whimpering, "me is scared of what will be missing when you comes to get me" Nothing worked at all. The technician Lady told Mommy she would have to leave before me would go with her and sure enough that's what her did. Hers' LEFT ME !!!
What kind of Mommy leaves her little baby when hims is whimpering and barking for her to take him with her??

Mommy is supposed to come get me tomorrow. Me sure hopes her doesn't forget me. But what me really hopes is me goes home with all the parts me went there with this time.

Murphy, who is writing this from behind bars.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mommy had tha flu

Mommy was sick yesterday. It was a very sad thing to see this is for sure. Hers got up yesterday morning at 3:00 in tha morning with her tummy hurtin and hers had to stay home from work. Me thought this would be a good thing cause the last time Mommy was sick hers played with me. Not yesterday. Yesteday hers spented the whole live long day and night in bed sleeping. Me being the good little boxer puppy spent the whole live long day by her side (on the floor on my bed).

Now this is the thing, me was right there beside her, protecting her from burglars and who gets to sleep in tha bed with Mommy?? That darn ole Miss Pitty Pat. What good can an ole kitty do for a sick Mommy is what I want to know. Alls hers did was lay there purring like hers was something special and me was doing all the protecting work that had to be done.

Thank goodness Mommy is better today. Me knew hers was better first thing when her got up cause hers was loving me and wanting to play with me.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This is tha question

If it is Spring time here in tha Rockies why is it snowing again???? This is what this little boxer puppy wants to know. It snowed on Sunday and then it snowed again yesterday, the very first day of Spring and now it's snowing again. Mommy let me go outside just a little while ago and what do you think me noticed tha very first thing?? SNOW!!! There is snow falling down out of tha sky again to night. If this keeps up me will never get to go on a walk again. Me doesn't think me likes Spring to much if this is what it's going to be like. In fact Winter was much nicer and me thinks me likes it a whole lot better.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Welcome Spring

Mommy says today is the very firstest day of Spring but it sure don't look like it to this little boxer puppy. It snowed all last night and most of today. This is what me back yard looks like. Does this look like a spring day to you??? This looks an awful lot like winter to this little boxer pup.

There is snow all over tha place. Me helped Mommy shovel off tha sidewalk to the hot tub this evening. And then me tried to find me toys that got lefted outside. Everything is covered in snow.

Me thinks there might be a bone under here somewhere.

This sure is cold on me little boxer nose.

Maybe me can talk Mommy into taking me for a walk.

Welcome Spring


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Two walks in one day!!!

Oh boy, oh boy. Me got to go on two walks today. Mommy took me on a nice walk this morning and then Daddy tooked me for a walk this evening. This is a red letter boxer day for sure. On top of that it snowed again today. Not a bunch but it was fun to be playing in the snow while Mommy and Daddy sat in the hot water place and sipped their drinks.

Something strange did happen before we went for a walk this evening. Mommy and Daddy picked up me crate and moved it from the den to the living room and putted it in the corner there. Then thems took more furniture out of the den and put it in the garage. Me keeps going to the corner where me crate was and it's empty space. Daddy says me has a cyber crate in that corner for the time being. Then me will go up to the living room and bam there is me crate sitting right there in the corner with the door open just like always. Me goes into it and sniffs around to be sure it's me crate. This is really cornfusing for a little boxer dog and me has to sit there and scratch me head and try and figger this all out. Me heard them talking about some people coming tomorrow to do some rug cleaning in tha den. And Mommy said something about having to wipe me little boxer feet when me come back inside. Me will just have to wait and see what happens cause this is a really big mystery to me.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Strange noises

There has been some really, really, really strange noises coming from that new refrigerator that Mommy and Daddy boughted. Me will be laying there on tha loveseat in the den and all of a sudden me hears that sounds like chulink, chulink. When me hears this noise me will start growling really low grrr grrr, just like any good little boxer watch dog puppy would do. Then me will get up off the loveseat and very cautiously go into the kitchen where that noise is coming from. When me gets there the noise has stopped and there isn't anything. Mommy would say "get it Murphy, go get it" and me would take off barking me silly boxer head off while Mommy laughed. Mommy and Daddy think it's really funny to see me go stand in front of the refrigerator with me little boxer head cocked quizzically, looking at the refrigerator. In fact me was standing right there in front of that new refrigerator when me actually figgered out that the noise was really coming from it. Now me doesn't look so silly growling at the sound.

Murphy, always on guard

Sunday, March 12, 2006

What not to do early Sunday Morning

There are some very, very, very valuable lessons learned on Sunday Mornings. Me knows cause me was finding them out this morning. For some silly reason Mommy and Daddy likes to "sleep in" on tha weekend. What them is sleeping in me doesn't know but thems gets really cranky if you try to get them up to play to early. This is very confusing for a boxer puppy cause during the week thems gets up at undogly hours to go to the work places but on weekends thems doesn't.

Sometime during the night Mommy went into the spare bedroom to sleep cause Daddy was snoring really loudly. When hers does that me gets to get in tha bed with her and sleep. Now me knows the rules for sleeping with Mommy on these rare occasions and me follows them to a T. During the week there is no rules for waking Mommy up but on the weekend there is lots of them. Me founded out this morning through trial and error what some of them rules was.

1. Do not sit on Mommy anywhere!!! Hers is not really happy to wake up with a 90 # boxer
puppy sitting on her.
2.Do not lick or put a cold nose on Mommy anywhere!!!! Hers doesn't like to shocked awake by icy cold things.
3.Making whining noises, little barks or yips is generally not a good thing either, specially if you are looking right at her face.
4. Bringing toys to tha bed and trying to poke them into her face, under the covers or into her hand really makes her mad.
5. Biting her toes can get you banned from tha bed and tha bedroom so it's not a good idea
6. If you wake Mommy up to go outside, you better go outside. Her is not in the mood to play silly Boxer games on the weekend mornings.

Me has a feeling there is more but me just hasn't stumbled on them yet. Now me is ready to go take a little dog nap. After all me has been up for 1 whole hour and me needs to rest. Trying to get Mommy up is hard work.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Another Saturday Morning

Whoo hoo, it's Saturday again and me got Mommy up at 6:15 in tha morning. Hers wasn't real happy about that but hers went to bed early last night so me thought her could get up early. The hard part was getting her to understand that me wanted to go for a walk right away. Now you would think that if you had an extremely hyper puppy bouncing off of tha walls that you would know this puppy needs some exercise. Nope, not Mommy, hers wanted to go sit at her computer first and drink her coffee. Meanwhile this little boxer puppy was waiting impatiently to go for a walk. Do you know what hers and Daddy's excuse was for not taking me for a walk? It was becasuse it was to cold outside.

Mommy and Daddy decided to leave me, poor little Murphy puppy, alone on Saturday morning and go for breakfast and then go shopping. Thems left me to guard the house cause them digging mens was coming back. When thems got home, Mommy took me for a walk. We passed a house with some squeaky toy dogs (sorry Frogknot but them little dogs sure do squeak a lot) and me wanted to go see what thems was squeaking about but Mommy said that me had to pay attention to her. How in tha wide wide world of Boxer puppies is me going to figger out what them squeaky dogs is all about if me has to all the time pay attention to Mommy. Her still doesn't get it. Me knows what hers looks like and me pays attention to her when me wants to.

After we got home them digging men wanted to show Mommy and Daddy about this new sprinkler system thems had installed. Ya know this could be a lot of fun. The sprinkler thingys
pop up out of tha ground and squirts water all over the yard. Me could have the biggest time chasing them in the summer time. Me will keep you updated on how this new adventure turns out.

Then do you know what happen? Some mens showed up to deliver a new refridgerator. That's what Mommy and Daddy had been shopping for. Me got put in me crate to kee me out of tha way and so me would scare anybody else. Me tried to help Mommy put things in the new refridgerator but hers kept saying get out of the way Murphy. So now we have a brand new refrigerator for Mommy to store left overs that wind up in me food. Yummy.

Now me and Mommy is snuggled up on the luv seat. Mommy loves it when me puts me big ole head on her shoulder so that is what me is doing.


Friday, March 10, 2006

A slow week here at the Murphy Household

There wasn't a whole lot going on this week. Me chewed up the indestructible ball by Sunday evening (and Mommy thought me couldn't do it) Then because me didn't have anything else to do me chewed up the blanket in me crate. That's the 2nd one in a week and Mommy wasn't happy about it. Hers even took out what was left to throw away and didn't put anything back.

On Wednesday some men came to the house and was digging a really big hole in tha front yard. Me was really worried that Mommy was going to blame me for it cause me has a hole the me digs up in the back yard. Lucky for me, Mommy saw them mens digging and me didn't' get blamed. Her did have to pick up the garbage thems left laying around and hers wasn't to happy about that.

It snowed on Wednesday night and them men couldn't come back to work but thems came back today and me had a really big time with them. This is what happened. Daddy forgotted that them mens had taken the gate down and let me out into the back yard. Hims didn't realize that there was of them hole digging men out there but me did!!! Me went bounding up to say a friendly boxer hello and scared that poor digging man half to death. Him was so scared of me that him jumped over the 6 foot fence to get away. Me thought that was pretty darn funny and me is still laughing about that one. Then me noticed that there was an escape route to the front yard and off me trotted to see what them digging men was doing in the front yard. The man that jumped the fence asked Daddy if me was friendly cause hims jumped the fence to get away from me. Them silly digging mens, just cause me is a big boxer puppy doesn't mean me is a mean boxer puppy. It was pretty funny to see him jump over that fence though.

Them is suppose to come back tomorrow to finish digging. Mommy says them is putting a sprinkler system in. Me isn't sure what that is but Mommy seems to think that even though it isn't for me, that I will have a really good time with it this summer.

Time to go vault through the air and put all 90 pounds of me on Daddy's lay


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Got a clue?

It's about time Mommy took a hint from reading Baywee's Blog. Me was wondering when hers and Daddy would go shopping and buy me a new toy. Thems went to Pet Smart (without me) this morning and thems came back with a really neat toy. Me almost got a Tshirt too, horrors!!!! Me hopes Mommy forgets about going back and getting it even if it is a Harley Tshirt and hers thinks me would look cute in it.

This is me new toy. It is a glow in tha dark ball and it makes noises like a baby when it rolls around. Mommy says it's supposed to be indestructible. We'll just see about that..

Come on Daddy, hurry up and open up this new toy. Me wants it now!!!! Just how much longer can a little boxer puppy be expected to sit and be good. Give it up now!!

Okay, what's in there making all of that noise??

Thanks Mommy and Daddy for tha new ball. Me hasn't destroyed it yet and it's been a whole hour. Me's tired now and needs to take a nap and this bone will make a really good pillow. And on top of that if me has me head on it Miss Pitty won't be able to steal it.

Daddy calls this me Playmate Pet of the Month pose



What is it with Mommys and cleanliness??? My Mommy decided that we had to have a very clean house this weekend. There wasn't any company coming, no dinner parties or just plain visits and yet hers had to have a clean house. The worst part was, me was expected to stay out of her way while hers cleaned. This is hard to do cause me is a shadow when it comes to following Mommy everywhere hers goes. Mommy says her now knows where the expression "dogging her every move" came from.

Anyway, Mommy was cleaning, cleaning, cleaning yesterday. Her even made Daddy help! Me heard "Murphy move" so much yesterday that me thought me litttle boxer name had been changed to Murphy Move. Now this is not a very good name for a dog. Mommy was in such a cleaning frenzy that her even cleaned off the stratically placed nose prints that I had on the living room window, the front storm door and the sliding glass door to the back yard. On that door there was nose prints on both sides. It takes lots of hard work and determination to get them nose prints just exactly right and in the right places on the window and doors. Why, even Daddy has placed his nose prints on the storm door going out to the front yard. Me knows hims had to work hard to get them at just the right height so Mommy wouldn't give me the credit for doing it. Hers even cleaned hims nose prints too. Can you believe that? Now we have to go and start placing them nose prints all over again. This is a lot of hard work!!

We did go for a lovely walk yesterday morning. Mommy decided to take me the very first thing. We walked a really long way and me practice (with Mommy's urging) me latest command, which is "down". What happens is this, we'll be walking along having a really nice time and all of a sudden Mommy will say "Murphy, sit". Me is supposed to sit down and immediately look up at her, even though me knows just what hers looks like. Then Mommy will say "Murphy, down" and me is supposed to lay down on the ground. Me hasn't figgered out exactly the purpose of this down yet, but me can do it and it makes Mommy very happy and proud of me. Anyway, we walked on a very loose leash and Mommy was very pleased with me progress. Her says taking me for a walk was fun now. Daddy even tried to walk me and me stayed right close to him and didn't pull on the leash or nothing. So now we can go on lots of walks cause me is being a good boxer puppy, most of the time.

Gotta run, thems is calling me for kibbles and me can't miss out on that.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Me just found out some very disturbing information. Yesterday there was some funny business going on and it wasn't with me. Mommy came home from her work and her was telling Daddy about how there was a frog at work yesterday and the frog was really cute and fun to play with. And that this frog kissed her on her nose. Me was kind of puzzled that Mommy would think a frog was a fun thing to play with and that her thought it was cute was very strange indeed. And doesn't Mommy know that frogs cause warts? If a frog kissed her on her nose, her may wind up with warts on the end of her nose.

Then me saw the strangest thing on Mommy's computer. Do you know what it was?? There, on me bully friend Baywee's Blog, was a picture of someone that looked really, really familiar. Me thought me recognized this person in the picture. Me scratched me boxer head and thinked and thinked who is this person with the puppy. Then it came to me (me being a very smart boxer) it was a picture of me very own Mommy holding that little puppy. And that puppy looked a really whole lot like Baywees new little tiny puppy brother Frog!!!

Now how did that Frog wind up in my Mommy's lap??

There hims was just sitting in her lap as pretty as you please
and him was going to have a meeting with my Mommy! Now it makes sense. The cute little frog me Mommy was talking about was Baywee's little Frog and him had gone to work with his Mommy and had gone to visit me Mommy and me Auntie Maggie.

See that Frog sitting there? See how Mommy is holding him in her hands having a meeting?? This sure is a little puppy. Me two front paws are bigger than that little thing.

Now me want's to know if this seems fair?? It was me birthday and me wanted to go some place special. Me hasn't been to Mommy's work since me was little tiny puppy and even then me didn't get to sit in Mommy's lap at her desk and have a meeting. Sure me got to go have lunch with Mommy and Aunt Maggie at a real restruarnt but now me wants to go to work and have a meeting with Mommy.

Hello little Frog, me hopes you liked me Mommy. She is a really nice Mommy. But next time you need to come visit me. We can have a meeting. Bring Baywee.

The Murphster

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This is how a birthday works

This is how me birthday worked. Mommy and Daddy had to go to work cause thems has to earn money to feed all them hungry mouths in this house. Me is the hungriest mouth to feed cause me is still a growing puppy. Mommy wonders if when me will stop growing. Hers had me weighed at the vet and me weighs in at 87.8#. This is what me looks like at 1 year old. Me bets me dog mommy would never recognize me.

Me was giving Mommy all of me attention cause her had something that smelled really really good and me was pretty sure it was for yours truly, the birthday puppy. Mommy loves it when me looks like this. Her's says me is really handsome.

What is in that bag on the stove. That is where all the good food smell is coming from. Me thinks it could be me birthday hambugers. Me little mouth is just drooling in anticipation. Come on Daddy give it up to the Murphy Dog.

Daddy please don't play keep away with the puppy.
Me doesn't want it over there, me doesn't want it in the air.
Me doesn't want it far and wide, me wants the hamburger that's by your side.
Come on give me that hamburger!!!
Finally!!! Slurp, yum, slurp.........this is a really good birthday hamburger. And there's another one in the bag for me. This is a really good birthday treat. And mommy says that maybe hers will take me for ice cream later.

It's Me Birthday!!!

Oh boy,Oh boy,Oh boy,Oh boy,It's me 1 year birthday!! Me is so excited! Me even got a birthday card from me Pet Insurance. Thems is really nice to send that to me. See what the card says. Me can't believe me got me very own. Mommy wanted to scan in the picture on the front of the card but her was having troubles doing that.

Dear Murphy,
You bring so many smiles to yourfamily. May your special day be filled with wondrous adventures.
Me also got a really nice birthday e-mail from Dogster. Thems is going to spotlight me in the Birthday Stroll. Woof Woof Woof. This is so exciting.

Dear Murphy,

Woof woof!
We want to wish you a very Happy Birthday full of love and joy and tail wagging. We are thrilled to be able to celebrate it with you! Murphy will be profiled today with other birthday doggies on Dogster's special Birthday Stroll:
Since it's your birthday we want to give you something special, so we given you 25 Dogster bones and one vote of 5 Paws! Dogster loves you!

Your Friends at Dogster

Me wonders what it will be like to be 1 year old??? And me sure hopes Mommy and Daddy gets me some ice cream and some hamburgers from McDonalds for me birthday dinner.

Murphy who is 1 today